Below are some books we have read and recommend.
Links give more information on books or their availability
                             Beibel, D. If God Is So Good, Why Does It Hurt So Bad?
                             Fleming H. Revell Company Jan. 1995

                             Butler C. In This Very Hour : Devotions For Your Time of Need (Loss of an
                             Unborn Child) Broadman & Holman

                             Borg, S., and Lasker J. When Pregnancy Fails Bantam 1989

                            Davis, D. Empty Cradle, Broken Heart 1991 Fulcrum- This book shows the
                            wide range of experiences that can follow the death of a  baby and offers
                            strategies for coping  with this loss. It also gives a list of various resources
                            including additional books and agencies.

                            DeFrain, J. Stillborn: The Invisible Death  Lexington Books 1986

                            DeYmaz, L. Mommy, please don't cry - The words and illustrations in this
                            book describe heaven from a child's eyes. Multnomah  Books 1996

                            Erling J., and Erling S. Our Baby Died. Why? - This book is for young children.
                            It is available through the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Center. Phone No.

                            Faber. R. A Mother's Grief Observed Tyndale House Publishers June 1997

                            Friedman, R., and Gradstein, B. Surviving Pregnancy Loss 1992 Little, Brown
                            and Co

                            Gemmill, D. Getting Through Grief

                            Gryte, M. No New Baby 1988 Centering Corp: For Boys and Girls Whose
                             Expected Sibling Dies

                            Hayford, J. I'll Hold You in Heaven 1990 Regal Books

                            Kaiser-Sterns, A. Living Through Personal Crisis  Ballantine 1985

                             Kubler-Ross  Elisabeth On Children and  Death Simon & Schuster  1997

                             Lammert, C., and Friedeck, S. Angelic Presence - A compilation of stories
                             written by people who have felt the presence of a baby after its death.
                             Available through the SHARE organization. Phone No. 1-800-821-6819

                             Limbo, R.K., and Rich-Wheeler, S. When A Baby Dies : A Handbook for
                             Healing and Helping 1993 RTS Bereavement Services, LaCrosse

                            Mehren, E. After the Darkest Hour, The Sun Will Shine Again: A Parent's 
                            Guide to Coping with the Loss of a Child Simon & Schuster Trade Feb 1997

                            Mitsch, R.R., and Brookside, L. Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love
                            Servant Publications Jan.1996

                            Morrow J.G & Gordon N Silent Cradle: Help and Understanding in Time of
                            Pregnancy Loss (formerly: Good Mourning) Light & Life Communication 

                            Peppers, L. How to Go On Living After the Death of a Baby 1985
                            Peachtree Publishers

                            Prince-Monroe, R. In This Very Hour: Devotions For Your Time of Need
                            (Loss of a Loved One) Broadman&Holman Publishers Sept 1994

                            Rank M Free to Grieve 1985 Bethany House Publishers

                            Schweibert, P. Momma: For Parents of Infant Loss to Grieve and Heal By
                            (Cassette and Book) Available through Perinatal Loss Phone No.

                            Schwiebert, P., and Kirk, P. When Hello Means Goodbye 1985 Perinatal
                            Loss- A good first  resource book that quickly explains most decisions that need
                            to be  made and  gives suggestions for the first couple of hours and days after a
                            baby's  death.

                            Vredevelt, P. Empty Arms 1984 Multnomah press- The author is a Christian
                            counselor who had a  miscarriage. This book offers emotional  support with a
                            Christian emphasis.

                            Warland J&M,  Pregnancy after Loss 1996 Author - a self help guide to the
                            subsequent pregnancy after the death of a baby.

                            Whitmore M Healing After Loss Avon Books 1994

                            Willett-Heavilin, M. Roses In December

                            Do you know a good book to add to this list...please let us know
                            If you know the author/ publisher to any of the books listed without these details
                            please email us..