Light fades, stars appear. Evening angels gather here.

Angels lend us their wings, so that we may find our way home.


I believe in angels. Do you? I believe that everyone has at least one guardian angel watching, caring and helping.

There are many stories of rescue from near tragedy which cannot be explained, other than intervention from a source with power much higher than human.

I believe that angels are commissioned by God as messengers and protectors and they are hovering about us at all times.

"He will give His angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways." Psalm 91:11

Over the years artists have given us masterpieces depicting their interpretations of angelic beings. I greatly appreciate the art and enjoy the paintings, statues, poems and stories about angels.

If you, too, are an angel lover, sit back and relax and join me in a cup of tea and we will tour through some of my favorite angelic sites! I know you will enjoy our time together.

This is Peggy, my very own "adopted angel".

You can adopt an angel, too. Just visit Pansy's Place by clicking on the following logo.

Angel Wink's Magical Day

Betty's Angels

Aura's Angels

Golden Angel

Celeste's Angels

Tara's Angels

Lori's Angel Page

Guardian Angels

Angelbeybe Angels

Meet My Family       Meet My Friends       Kids Ministries
My Disney Page       Rubber Stamping       Scrapbooking
Inspirational         Mother's Day           St. Patrick's Day
         Easter             My Awards             Kids Clubhouse      

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You are listening to "Lothorien" by Enya,
Midi courtesy of Angel Winks.