Madame Zig's Kitchen

I am a native Newfoundlander. We tend to spend a lot of time in our Kitchens. I guess that stems from a time when houses were heated by the wood stove in the kitchen - only one generation ago, for a lot of communities. Quite often, in a Newfoundland kitchen, you will find a very big table, around which, many of the memorable days of our lives are celebrated or mourned. Come in, pull up a chair and have a coffee. Make yourself at home.

I have enjoyed cooking since I was a child...a good thing, considering that I ended up with such a large family! The recipes posted here are not necessarily MY personal favorites, but those of my family.

I hope that you find at least one that you can enjoy.
Farmhouse Soup

Zig's Saturday Night Salmon

Farmhouse Chicken

Pineapple Chicken with Paprika

Zig's Special Salad

Russian Salad

Chicken Liver Salad

Spinach Salad

Dill Bread

Cappuccino Cream

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