David J. Whiteing's Project
  David J. Whiteing, of Chelmsford, England, has been working on a project to identify the Whiteing family branches of the world and link them to one main Whiteing Family Tree. Unlike the "Whiting...without an E" folks, we're a relatively small family worldwide. (which is fortunate for this project!)The current number of Whiteing surname households is just a few hundred (total)in five countries: England, Canada, the USA, Australia, and South Africa

But, although we believe that all current branches can trace their beginnings to this single main tree, some of the "founding fathers" of branches established outside of England departed there prior to the turn of the century. And in some cases, several centuries before that. A great deal of research may be needed to trace these branches, especially in cases where I believe that after establishing themselves in one new country, members of the branch then moved onto yet another country or even back to England.

Living descendants of such branches may well be in more then one country, along with other distantly related branches of the Whiteing Family Tree. So all are invited to contribute anything they may know or have heard about their branch of Whiteings to aid in this project. A world wide mailing directory of all known Whiteing surname households, as well as households for persons whose maiden name was Whiteing, or who are otherwise descended from a Whiteing, has been compiled and is continually updated by both David and myself.

We have been assisted in obtaining these addresses through assorted public records and publications, but must rely on the "relatives" we contact for aid in identifying and locating relatives who do not use the Whiteing surname, have moved recently, etc. David sends out mailings (at his own expense, folks!) to all the households in this directory annually who have shown an interest in this project, in an effort to not only further this project, but to keep the various branches updated on his progress. In January, 2000, he sent out his latest update: #7. I have placed a review of this update here, which you can check out by clicking on the title below: " World Wide Whiteing Update #7" (there are two parts to this)

Currently, David has identified 3 main Family Trees, and several families who's original has not yet been determined. So far, in the USA, only my branch (Tree F) has been identified, but we know there are other branches here who simply haven't responded to either David's mailings or mine yet. If you are from one of these branches, you may have received a mailing from me in the spring of 1997, which included a "Family Group Sheet" form. If not, or if you've lost the one you received, please e-mail me. I have a form that I can e-mail you or that I can "snail-mail", which ever you prefer. Those who still have their forms: please fill them out and get them mailed back so that we can begin work on your branch!
David's (snail-mail) address is: Kaye's (snail-mail) address is:
David J. Whiteing
27 Danbury Vale
Chelmsford CM3 4LA
Kathleen M. Fitzgerald
4907 Second Creek Road
Blanchester, Ohio

Also, you can click on the address below to E-mail David now!
( or copy the address to use later) To e-mail me, just click on the link below.
Home: djwhiteing@aol.com
Work: David.Whiteing@nwmarkets.com
* Whiteing...with an E
* Charles Andrew Whiteing
* Sarah Jane (North) and Andrew Whiteing
* My Whiteing Family Tree
* World Wide Whiteing Project Update
* Richard Whiteing, British Authur
* Lyle George Whiteing Sr.
* Whiteing ~ Softball Hall of Fame
Front Porch
(Tree) Room
Attic Library