American Diabetes Association

for more information about the American Diabetes Association, click on logo

mission statement:

"The mission of the American Diabetes Association is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes."

Diabetes affects 16 million Americans and can lead to complications such as:
kidney disease
heart disease
birth defects

We need a cure and we need one before more men, women, and children become hopelessly handicapped from diabetes. You may be at risk; diabetes does not know race creed nor color, and it is deadly.It's not all about the money folks, its about gettin information and about sharin what you know. So do this one for some one you love...might even be you. Thanks for takin the time to listen or readin my words.

God Bless Ya'll..........Texan

I'm not gonna recover from diabetes that's a given, but there's youngsters out there that may benefit from what I do with the rest of my time here, so I'm gonna give it to them the best I can and where ever I can. I'd like to put in a poem I'd heard...and its kinda stuck by me.. "I am only one, But still I am one. I can't do everything, But still I can do something. I will not to refuse to do the something I can do"

...that was Miss Helen Keller...ya'll might have heard. "Need knows no Season"...It aint about one of us...its about us all


more information about Walktober

I wish to thank all of you where ever you are for your contributions. Suffering from this disease I personally know the effects it has on family ,friends ,and loved ones. I wish to share with all of you from all of us a warm felt feeling for those who care about there fellow human beings. Words cannot express the feelings that I've shared with walkers and contributors. My deeply heart felt thanks for all of you. ...for Need Knows No Season.


You are guest number at my ranch.

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