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"The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (JDF) is a not-for-profit, voluntary health agency with chapters and affiliates throughout the world. JDF's main objective is to support and fund research to find a cure for diabetes and its complications. JDF gives more money directly to diabetes research than any other private health agency in the world." In the 1996-1997 year, JDF has contributed US$31 million to diabetes research, bringing the 27 year total to US$211 million.

JDF was founded in 1970 by the parents of children with diabetes. The JDF mission is "to find a cure for diabetes and it's complications trough the support of research." In addition to it's efforts to raise money in the private sector, JDF has a Government Relations Program to help increase the amount of money the government gives to diabetes research.

Diabetes affects 16 million Americans and can lead to complications such as:

kidney disease
heart disease
birth defects

It wont matter,the horses I rode
nor the places I'd hung my hat,
wont matter much,the money I owed,
nor the clothes I wore,
on my back.

I'd like ta think the world,
would be a better place,
and remember the smile
on this cowboys face
and remember I was important
in the life of a child.


You are guest number at my ranch.

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