"Nanny's Nook on Whip-Poor-Will Farm"

It all started after we had to reroute the flow of our creek. We've had several floods, as I am sure anyone who watches the news on tv or reads it on the net, has read of the floods. We had this baren spot in front of our house, and across the creek. I began to plan in my head how I could make this look better. John knows this look, he just smiled and said, "What can I do to help?" So, it began in the spring of 1996.

I am showing John how the pavers could be the foundation of Nanny's Nook.

I am having a ball here, with the mixture of concrete and the pavers, my hands got really messed up.

Awwwww...just a few days work and here I sit!! It doesn't look like much of a Special Spot. I figure if I give this little nook lots of love and attention. I will be blessed with some beautiful flowers and I bet the little wysteria will be lovely. Oh! I also have a purple plum tree.

Oh my!! Now its starting to grow and fill out some.

As you can see Nanny's Nook is progressing nicely.

Well after just 1 year you can see a few flowers are starting to grow, I am sorry you missed the azalea bushes in full bloom. They were magnificent. Unfortunately the deer got into some of the purple cherry bushes. I hope they enjoyed them. I know I would have!!

Well folks if you want to wander on over to the garden or backyard you go ahead. I am going to stay here for a while. You may return back to my home, have a cup of coffee, and before you leave..sign my guestbook.

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