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Foster's In Dekalb County,

(And Beyond)

Foster crest
"Si Fractus Fortis"
(Though broken, brave)

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I want to thank my many cousins that furnished information and pictures for this page.


Welcome The Foster Immigrant What is Known The Move to Tennessee
The Children of
John and Sinah
Anthony's Children Letter to Ernest Indenture of G. Washington Cameron
My Pedigree My Wifes Pedigree Foster Photo Album Links to other great pages
Reminiscences of Smithville Letter to Brown Foster Pomp Kersey, Tennessee Guerilla
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The Presswood Hanging
Pure Fountain College
Annual Catlaogue, 1883-84

Them Ole
John L. Fletchers claim
to the
Claims Commission

Letter to O'Fallon, Josh, Susie, and Mary Rebecca

Richard Fosters
Blufords Letter
to his wife Mary
Blufords Poem
in the Civil War

B. T. R. Foster
State Senator

Joiah S. Foster's
Draft letter
History of My Family
By Jesse J. Foster
Tony Foster Tavern
Telegram to
John Byrd Foster
Stephen Moore Foster
in the Civil War
John Byrd Foster's Letters
Marriage License of J.B. Foster John Byrd Foster
in the Civil War
John Byrd Fosters
Application for Pension
Erastus Duncan Foster
in the Civil War,
"Confederate Service"
Erastus Duncan Foster
in the Civil War,
"Union Service"
My Military Service


To my "Foster's In Dekalb County, Tennessee" Page

I am attempting to tell the story of my ancestors coming to Dekalb County from Virginia, by way of South Carolina and Alabama. Some of the information was gathered by others and I have not documented it, but I believe it to be accurate. My research has been mainly in middle Tennessee.

A little about myself. My name is Athol K. Foster. I retired from the U. S. Army on 1 Nov., 1981 with twenty seven years service, and moved to Nashville, Tn. In 1984 I went to work for the U. S. Postal service and retired from there with eleven years service on 1 Dec., 1995. I moved back to Smithville Just before retiring and lived there for six years. We moved from Smithville to Crestview, Florida in April 1999. On 22 January 2005 we moved to Enterprise, Alabama. I have only been involved in genealogy since August 1995. My wife's name is Julia Louise Enders Foster. (Our photo on the left) Julia is originally from Indianapolis, In. We were married in June of 1976.

Some of the surnames I am researching are: FOSTER, VANDAGRIFF (with various spellings), FARMER, SCOTT, PUGH, LACK, WOMACK, CAMERON, FARRINGTON, and WEBB in Tennessee.

Some of Julia's surnames are: ENDERS, FINK, HOFFMAN, WHEELER, BECKER, WILLIAMSON, MORGAN, and BEEM in Indiana and Ohio.

I will be adding more to the page as time permits. Please drop by anytime. As we say in Tennessee "You'all come back."

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The Foster Immigrant

The following is an article written by Dr. Bill Foster.

See the ARTICLE here.

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What is Known

The first definitive information on our Foster ancestry in America is Robert Foster and his brother, John. In 1692, each patented 200 acres of land in Essex County, Virginia. Robert was born in 1663 in Gloucester County, Virginia and married Elizabeth ? (some believe Garnett). John was born in 1665/6 in Gloucester County, and married Ruth(last name unknown). Their known children are Robert, James, Ambrose, and Joseph. Robert and Elizabeth had eleven children. Eight boys and three girls. They were Robert, James, John, Richard, George, Thomas, William, Anthony, Barabara, Margaret, and Elizabeth.

The Descendants of Robert

John Foster was born 1689 in Gloucester Co. just before his family moved to Essex Co., Virginia. John Married Isabella Golding about 1713 in Essex Co. The known children of John and Isabella are Sarah, John Jr., Thomas, Philadelphia, and Anthony.

Anthony Foster was born ca. 1727. About 1750 he married a Miss Tinsley (given name not known). They had three children. Achilles, Joel, and Fielding. Some time after Fielding was born, Miss Tinsley died. It is thought by some that Joel and Achilles were killed while serving their country during the Revolutionary. Achilles at Bunker Hill, Massachusetts and Joel at Brandy Wine, Delaware. There is some documentation that the Joel killed in the war was not the son of Anthony. There were two Joel Foster's born in Orange and Albemarel Counties in Virginia approximately the same year. One the son of John Foster Jr. and the other, the son of Anthony. If the Joel Foster enumerated in the Federal census of 1790 in Newberry District, South Carolina, was the son of Anthony Foster, he was the Father of Eleven children and moved to Mississippi in the early 1830's.

About 1765 Anthony Married Sarah Golding. A young woman of around twenty years old. She was born ca. 1739/40. This was in Orange County, Virginia. They had six children. They were Anthony Jr., William, John, Franklin, Mary, and Achilles. They named their last son in honor of the one that was slain in battle.

Anthony and his family moved to the Spartanburg District of South Carolina some time between 1792 and 1793. He was over sixty years old when he made the move. Anthony survived his resettlement for only twelve years. On April 5, 1805 he passed away. Sarah died seven years later on June 30, 1812. They are buried near their home in Cross Anchor, South Carolina.

The foregoing was from the book:"The Foster Family of Flanders, England, and America" by Dr. Billy G. Foster.

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