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Leaving Yakima Trip to California California  Steph's day off  Walk in the park  Invasion Back in Washington

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7:30 on a cool fall morning in a small dusty town in eastern Washington.  The owner of a little sign shop stepped into the lobby where the secretary, shop manager, helper and the screen printer were waiting. It was their daily briefing, and this day the decisions reached in the meeting would change  the course of Steph and Stray's history. Stray, a 45 year old sign painter had come down with rumitroid arthritis to the point where he was unable to ram rod the crew. Business was off, and being from a farming community, business seems to be as seasonal as the crops. Going into fall with out some kind of savings was a formula for disaster and that was where we were at.... I (Stray) laid it out for the crew and explained our options. To make a long story short we decided to hang up the spurs.