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Leaving Yakima Trip to California California  Steph's day off  Walk in the park  Invasion Back in Washington

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November 13,1997 Steph's day off 

It was already 8:30 am as I laid the well used wrinkled box on the counter, I stared momentarily at the duct tape holding the box together and wondered how many more trips it would make. Starting at the counter, I packing the box, things on the counter first and then starting to my left packed the cupboards clockwise, didn't know just when the exterminator would be here but wanted to have everything out of the way so he could do his job. Those little pesky ants were still on the march, making a line across the wall and on to the counter scrounging invisible bitts of food and hurrying back to some place behind the cupboards. We had cleaned and put any open containers in the fridge, couldn't imagine what there was left for the little rascals to be interested in, but there they were. "Live it up while you can, you little devils" I thought as I packed the last box out in to the living room. Even though the sight of boxes stack all around is a little disheartening I took solace in the fact that we were ready and peered out into the parking lot to see if I could see the exterminator, nope not yet. 
About the time I had answered my e-mail sorted through some of  the seemingly endless papers and envelopes that I had packed weeks ago so I could  finish my business bookkeeping, Steph woke up. 
Breakfast was going to have to be whatever could be fixed out of the fridge at this point because I was unwilling to unpack parts of those boxes then pack it back up again. A quick glance indicated that omelets and toast would be the solution. Out come the eggs and oh yea, need mixing bowl, go the living room and search through the boxes till I find mixing bowl, got the mixing bowl and cracked the eggs into the mixing bowl. Need whip to stir the eggs, back to the boxes, find whip, stir eggs. Need seasoning, go the boxes find seasoning and add seasoning. Pored eggs into skillet and oh yea need spathula, go to boxes till find spathula, go turn burred omelet. So what ever happened to making sure one had all the tools and supplies before starting a project, like one of the steps in production back in the sign shop? I don't know except for that I might have been preoccupied with some envelops I saw earlier this morning that had the Washington Department of Revenue on it, I knew that I needed to file my quarterlies, but the move and unpacking held me up. 
We were supposed to be visiting my folks today and had plans to go to a neighboring town for a street fair, but instead found ourselves sitting midst of boxes eating off paper plates. Seems as though this was the scheduled day that the exterminator was to show up and it was a choice between living with hoards of ants indefinitely or live out of boxes till the exterminator showed up and be done with it. 
Steph decided to get caught up on her book work and put things in order since we were kinda stuck here anyway and it was bothering her that she didn't know where some of her paperwork was and that her check book wasn't balanced. 
Now............. in the past this is a sign that I needed to find something to do as far away from the house as possible, far far away. No such luck today, couldn't think of a thing, that she'd believe any way, besides I needed to take care of that little Department of Revenue thing. Steph went in to the living room and I to the bead room, she spread her papers out on the table and coffee table and I spread my papers out on the bead. Figured I'd get the nasty stuff over with first so open up all the Washington Dept. of Rev  envelopes and tried to figure out what needed to be done, I saw some notices but had already took care of them and some forms that needed to be filled out, knew I was behind but not much activity had happened so wasn't worried about it. Nothing of any great significance caught my eye so decided to give them a call just to cover my bases. There was a different person handling my case than I had seen before, strange I should know so many people at the dept of rev, wondered if they go through a lot of help there or am I getting passed around cuz I get on there nerves, in any case I placed the call and a pleasant voice came over the phone, she pulled up my files and asked me why I was late, I explained my situation to her and promised to have everything caught up soon and please close my account there etc. "Did you know you had a lean against you?" she asked."NO!!" I replied, "how can I have a lean against me?" "Because of unpaid balance from Stray Strokes" "I payed that off, there must be some mistake, How much does it say there that I owe?" I asked "Oh, it's been paid off" she said, "How has it been payed off?" I asked, "We took it from you checking account" she replied, "What checking account, I haven't had a business account at that bank for a year and a half?" I could hear my voice getting higher and higher, I was starting to panic, "Well how much did you take?" I shrieked, not really wanting to know the answer, "$750.00 " was the reply, everything seemed to be happening in slow motion as I told the gal on the other end that I'd have to get back to her later and missed the receiver as I tried to hang up the phone. I was becoming aware that the most likely scenario was that the money was taken from Steph's account, and I am here to tell you that your life can really pass before your eyes as I looked up and saw Steph hovering over me. I presented my case in the best possible light, knowing that Steph was seeing right through me. Suddenly here was no more her papers and my papers, her account and my account, we collected all the statements and receipts and started going through them in earnest, Called the banks and got our balances and compared them with our books. Sure enough I came up $750.00 short of paying off the state according to my books, I suppose to say at this point that I should have been paying closer attention would be the same as closing the gate after the cows got out, and sure enough we did find where Steph's account had been raided by the state for $750.00. It was the second day of out trip to California when it happened, and that's why we were surprisingly short of funds when we got here, we didn't think we spent that much money but we really didn't have a way to figure things out till we were unpacked and reconciled our statements, but now we know. 
Steph looked at me from across the table and I could tell from the look in her eye that I was about to get acquainted with a brand new law "I don't want to ever – ever have any thing to do with business again – ever!!" she declared. I've been told that there are no atheist in fox holes and it's interesting how one suddenly becomes spiritually inclined in the face of crisis, the Bible passage "agree with thine adversary quickly" came to mind and it sounded like good advice to me at the time so I mustered up as much humility as I could and said "yes Mam" ......... 
By this time it was getting on to 3 pm and no exterminator, so Steph called the office to inquire as to what time we could expect the man, seems as though he had to go to the hospital and wouldn't be here till tomorrow. 
I've had bad days before and probably will have some more but this day is one that I won't soon forget.