The Slimey Slug became the motivation and mascot for Team Death during the early assembly stages of the Final Design Report. It emitted a "satisfying slap" (in the words of the Lieutenant) when tossed against hard surfaces such as walls. The sound of this slap became addictive. We needed it. In an attempt to ring the sound through the air once again, Rudi whipped the Slimey Slug, aiming clearly at the front wall of the computer lab. Completely and utterly of its own violition, the Slug curved upwards and attached itself firmly to the ceiling. All attempts made by Rudi and a metal ruler failed to retrieve our little friend.

In his infinite wisdom, Ben pulled out an entirely "stable" computer chair, and opted to tear the Slug down with his bare hands.

Seen below in the photo is Ben ripping down the Slug. His look of accomplishment is overwhelming. "Look what I can do!" Notice the incredibly PAINED look on Rudi's face because he's laughing so hard. He is clearly still plagued by the image of the Slug's flight.