
Search sites & engines Searching on the internet is the lifeblood of family history research in these days of genealogical computing. There are so many different search engines, mailing lists, search facilities and websites that it can become a little difficult to find out just what is out there and what is going to help you with your own search, particularly when you are starting out.

This series of pages is being put together as a sort of "how to" of internet searching. A good deal of the instructions come from the actual sites themselves with maybe some extra comments added by our people who have used these sites with success.

Of course if you want, or think it might be useful to have, a particular "how to" added to these pages then please let your webmaster or convenor know and we will see what we can put together. These pages are only useful if they contain what you want and need.

To find out about any of the following search engines or search sites, just click on the associated link.

Good luck and happy searching!

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