The Other Crap Page


Where is the

 Believe it or not, today doesn't suck... page? It's dead. I killed it. Here's what was carried over to The Other Crap Page:

Current Music Page

The Cars Page

The R/C Page


Remember the '90s? Here is an artist's conception of what life was like in that horrible decade.


Look at this shit!


Smoking is cool. Even cooler are images that combine smoking, annoying Web animation, and skulls.

This is a rad target.

All you ever wanted to know about state flags

I wrote this paper back in high school. The assignment was to write a research paper about a controversial government topic. The teacher didn't like it.

Yep, that's the Queen of England picking her nose.

This is why you shouldn't allow your kitten to read Mein Kampf.

This was my first attempt at using the Paint program to create things for the page. It didn't turn out as planned.


Alright now, stop, collaborate, and listen. The '80s are back with a brand new invention.