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Danger Movies

Here's a list of some crazy links that I dug up in my many hours of surfing (when I should have been working). Talk about Dangerous!
*Sci-Fi* Action* Horror* Strange*


The second installment is by far the best. Hey, if there's good action, and nifty monsters, who needs a plot? Well it kind of actually sorta had one which made it even cooler. The directors cut on laserdisc with the extra footage is well worth a watch. Side note: The first one was also a decent flick, but a little slow. The third one was a true insult to the industry. I mean what group of autistic monkeys came up with that idea?! We'll see what happens in Alien 4...coming out on Nov. 26th. If you really wanna be DANGEROUS, you can mail me, and tell me that you actually liked Alien 3.
DANGER RANK: Four stars. It's good to see a leading woman kick some serious alien ass! This movie is a must see.
Also....check out this site dedicated to one of the coolest characters Hudson World

Army Of Darkness
The third installment in the Evil Dead series. Very campy, and very cool. I must admit that I've only seen snippets of the Evil Deads, but this one holds its own, with even the smallest amount of initial exposure. If your one of those people rented it 'cause it sounded macho, and then felt it was a meaningless lame B movie, then well...you were right! A good movie to watch with a group of silly people.
DANGER RANK: Three Stars. Definitely a groovy movie, but could probably use a bit more gore to up the danger factor...and maybe some nudity.

Blade Runner
If yer in the the special effects industry, then you know where I'm coming from when I say that the scenery is way groovy. The one cool thing about the director's cut was getting to see more widescreen shots of the city. An interesting story with plenty of moral conflict, plus plenty of violence. I thought Daryl Hannah looked really ugly though. This movie is a staple for the sci-fi community.
DANGER RANK: Four Stars. A classic with plenty of danger.

Buckaroo Banzai
Ah yes...Buckaroo Banzai. Truly a man of danger. A brain surgeon, rocket scientist, rock star and comic book hero. Not to mention he saves the world. If only there was a Buckaroo Banzai Institute with Blue Blazer regulars, the world would be a better place. Maybe there already is......
DANGER RANK: Four Stars. He's almost as Dangerous as me!

Death Race 2000
Just the title of the movie says it all. A true definition of a B movie. To give you the lowdown: Picture a futuristic earth (with a polyester wack-a-doo 70's flair) where racing has gone to an extreme. So there's these crazy lookin' characters that look like they came straight out of the World Wrestling Federation (Sylvester Stallone being one of them), with tricked out cars complete with knives, blades, and various other sharp pointy things. You guessed it...they have a race. The cool part is that they get to run down pedestrians for points. With the help of modern technology, you too can be a part of this race. Just go out and buy the game Carmageddon. It's actually pretty fun.
DANGER RANK: Two and a half stars. It's good for a laugh, and the idea is a dangerous one.

Escape From New York
A lovely little ditty by John Carpenter. Once again the corny factor is pretty high, but the violence and the bad attitude character of Snake Pliskin makes it all worth while. Escape From L.A. was just a bad rehash of the original. Sequels rarely work, so don't push it. Whenever people make sequels, they should tack on ".....in search of more money" to the end of the title. Like Ghostbusters 2, or Highlander 2...you get the idea.
DANGER RANK: Three stars. Snake just oozes Danger.

Immortal dudes sword fighting at Madison Square Gardon. Very cool. The only movie where I actually liked the flashbacks. Very unique film making. One of the best (and my personal favorite) villians ever to grace the screen. Kurgen.
DANGER RANK: Four stars. How can sword fighting not be Dangerous?

Lost In Space
OK, so I like this one. The special effects were tasty, Gary Oldman did his patented bad guy routine, but I seriously could have done without the damn space monkey. If you don't pay any attention to the plot, then this is a cool flic. Ironically, I thought Matt LeBlanc did the best out of all of them.
DANGER RANK: Well since this was a "family oriented" flic, the element of danger was limited, but I still give it two stars.

Star Wars Trilogy
Well, these are truly classics. I wonder if there's actually someone out there that hasn't heard of them. These films have been the fuel for socially inept sci-fi geeks for literally decades. How else would grown men have an excuse to collect little plastic dolls?
DANGER RANK: Four Stars of course! If it were any less, I'd get terse emails from sci-fi geeks who happened upon my page while surfing for info on the new Princess Leia "slave" doll, complete with space bikini.

Tank Girl
Defintitely artsy. Hip "alternative" punk cartoon/live action type flick. Tank Girl is truly the definition of a DangerGirl. Unfornately, not all of us have access to tanks. Completely nonsensical, and at times fragmented and bizaar, but funky enough to be cool.
DANGER RANK: Two and a half stars. Tough chicks with heavy machinery = cool.

Terminator I and II.
Just about the only movies that I can tolerate Arnold in. Must make mention of the Director James Cameron (he also did Aliens). The guy's got a knack for sci-fi action thrillers. T2 is definitely a big screen kind of flick. Linda Hamilton buffing up was most excellent. Yet another kick ass leading chick.
DANGER RANK: Three and a half stars. The first was filled with just killin, but the second kinda went soft with trying to make the Terminator more human.

The Fifth Element
Besides Leeloo being a gibbering idiot, the movie wasn't half bad. The special effects and sets were incredible. 'Ol Brucie was tolerable. According to this movie, the perfect human being is an orange haired babbling chick that has the figure of a 12 year old boy. Oh joy. As least she could throw a few punches.
DANGER RANK: Three stars. Most of that goes towards the special effects.

A true classic for any sci-fi geek. This movie practically pioneered the computer generated special effects for Hollywood. Too bad it was Disney, but it ain't a perfect world.
DANGER RANK: Four Stars. High tech danger.


If you think Antonio Banderas is dreamy, then you gotta see this one...and for you folks could care less about Antonio's ass, then there's plenty of shootin and killin for ya. It's basically a big budget version of Robert Rodrigez's flick, El Mariachi.
DANGER RANK: Four Stars. Muchas Dangerous!

G.I. Jane
Chicks kicking ass is always good

Pulp Fiction
What the hell IS in that briefcase? I don't know about you, but I just couldn't stop laughing during the monologue by Christopher Walken. You just can't help but to try and imitate him saying "...and he stuck this watch up his ass". This is the kind of movie that is funny enough to make you laugh and disturbing enough to make you guilty about laughing.
DANGER RANK: Three stars. Hey, so I haven't jumped on the Tarantino bandwagon....sue me! I think I can find more interesting things to worship.

Rumble In The Bronx
It looks as though everyone and their dog has jumped on the Jackie Chan bandwagon. He's just pumping out movies like there's no tomorrow. It's getting to the point where if you've seen one, you've seen 'um all. I must admit that it's fun watching that little guy jump around and do his own stunts.
DANGER RANK: Two and a half stars. Doing yer own stunts....can we say Dangerous?

Thelma & Louise
All right all you guys out there just say it...."Oh man, a chick flick". Well shut yer pie hole! There's no better way to bond with a girlfriend then going on a shooting spree. Talk about a couple of risk takers. Too bad they died....and you know what, it was because of all the stupid... *enter male bashing monlogue here*.
DANGER RANK: Three and a half stars. I would've given it four if they had lived.

The Professional
Cool and strange. I must admit that I liked La Femme Nikita better. (maybe 'cause the main character was a chick assasin...go figure). The main complaint is about Gary Oldman's "psycho cop" character. He does that one a lot. I must admit the the little girl Mathilda has some potential Dangerness to her.
DANGER RANK: Two and a half stars. Plenty of blood and shootin.


Brain Dead or Dead Alive
If you've ever seen the movie, then you'll know what I'm talking about when I say "the lawnmower scene"
Interview With The Vampire
Gorgeous men dressed as Vampires, biting each other's necks...OW! Dangerous Baby!
Hey...I liked it.
The Shining
Silence Of The Lambs
Hmmmm, what's for lunch
The Thing
The old one and the John Carpenter remake


A Clockwork Orange
Wearing false eylashes, a cod piece, and beating the crap out of people, Hmmmm...
Human + wood chipper= Danger!
Heavenly Creatures
Watch out for these two Danger Girls.
Shallow Grave
What would you do for a ton of money?
Time Bandits
"Don't touch that! It's evil!"
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Tim Curry as a transvestite. It doesn't get any more Dangerous than that!
Trainspotting web pages are like assholes....everyone's got one.

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