Buttercup's Princess Bride Page

Home of The Princess Bride WebRing!

A fellow Princess Bride fan once told me that there are two types of people in this world: those who like "The Princess Bride", and those who haven't seen it. I think that about sums up everything. And why wouldn't everyone like it? It's one of the best stories ever imagined. It's got fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...

"Isn't that a wonderful beginning?" Well, every web page has to start out somewhere, and I'm starting right here. It's a phenominal movie, and an even more amazing book. If you've never read it, I highly recommend getting a copy. I assure you that it's well worth whatever effort it takes.

Take your time to browse around the various pages within this Princess Bride website. You'll find information about every cast member, a Star Wars/Princess Bride Crossover story, and even The Princess Bride WebRing that links you to over 20 other Princess Bride sites. Enjoy!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in my guestbook on my homepage
About Me


Cary Elwes....Westley
Robin Wright....Buttercup
Mandy Patinkin....Inigo Montoya
Chris Sarandon....Prince Humperdinck
Wallace Shawn....Vizzini
Andre the Giant....Fezzik
Christopher Haden-Guest....Count Rugen
Fred Savage....Grandson
Peter Falk....Grandfather
Billy Crystal....Miracle Max
Carol Kane....Valerie
Mel Smith....Albino
Peter Cook....Impressive Clergyman
Willoughby Gray....King
Anne Dyson....Queen
Paul Badger....Assistant Brute
Betsy Brantley....Mom
Malcolm Storry....Yellin
Margery Mason....Ancient Booer


Here's a look at some of the Ooops! mistakes on The Princess Bride.

Goldman vs. Morgenstern--the ongoing debate on who really wrote this masterpiece.

Also, here's a quite unusual mix between Star Wars and The Princess Bride. I'm quite proud of this story, and it's received praise from all who've read it. Enjoy!!

Here's another interesting link. It's a cross between The Princess Bride and Labyrinth

A Princess Bride Directory from Serebella.com.

You can get the script on this page.

The Princess Bride Soundtrack The Princess Bride 25th Anniversary Book! The Princess Bride on VHS The Princess Bride on DVD! Special Edition!

This is the home of The Princess Bride WebRing!
Please check out the other sites, as everyone has something different to offer.

To submit your site, fill out the form on my WebRing page.

I am also a member of the As You Wish WebRing.

Winner of Totally Awesome 80's site Award

Official Planet Hollywood Fan Site

Winner of the very first Eclectic Folk Award for eccentricity!

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