Real budget only Producer and Investors Just get $250k and make the movie RAISING MONEY: Great scriptTop Sheet of Budget Do a film example (12 actors) in one room, IMPROV Actors, 10,000' film For 5 day shoot, 35mm $10,000. total $70,000. BIGGER BUDGETS $350,000 Writer/ WGA $35,000 (TV writer) STAR with marquee value CAMEO $15,000 to $25,000 thru Agent NON-SAG 70,000' of film (7 to 1) Add $ in POST. $500,000. (a under $1 mil to $ 2mil) Sex, Lies, Videotape (500K to 600K) 4 week shoot (Real Salaries) Triple Crew Salaries WGA $35,000 (4 to 5 locations) SAG (Add honey wagon w/ driver) Must post Bond w/SAG 35% to 40% of salaries 4 Weeks (10 to 1) 80,000' to 110,000' TWO CAMS (Arri4 & Arri 2C) When sending budgets to GUILDS use lowest figure possible for their area. $750,000. ($2mil to $3mil) WGA DGA (add $130,000 for DGA team) (10 weeks min. Pension and Health fund) SAG $100,000 TV star 120,000' - 150,000', Ratio 15 to 1, more takes Easier to stay on budget and on schedule More $ PR $1,500,000. ($3 mil to $5 mil) Stay within city, it is a Movie of the Week Could go IATSC (3 weeks) non-union (5 weeks) Real TV Stars $100,000 each. (2 to 3 CAM crews) Bondable, Co-Production, Interim Financing Acceptable Professional Production Staff $2,000,000 ($5 mil to $7 mil) HBO Movies, dressed up Movie of the Week, TV movies Extra Sex and Violence Get FILM Star actors, Not TV actors $250,000 to $500,000 each film star IATSC & GUILDS |