BUDGET NEVER DEFER FOR ANYONE- its a distribution deal killer ABOVE THE LINE PRODUCER(s), Associates, Execs., Staff WRITER, total $5,000 ($300wk/5 weeks) Register screenplay, Producer owns it, copyright TX form Stealing is rare. READ 100 Scripts of movies seen. Notebook history of script, after meeting send biz letter DIRECTOR: Should co-produce and invest, an exp. TV Director would take $5K-7K ACTORS:Pro's Only, know camera, know looping, ADR, LEI for SAG actors film under $250K, can sign SAG actor $100/Day no per diem, no travel, no Taft-Hartley, STAR $500/Week with single card title credit Rehearsal 2 to 3 days CREW (you hire only top 5) 1)Director 2)DP 3)LP-UPM 4)PD-Art 5)Prod. Coord. DIRECTING (5 pages per day) 1)Directing Art (read the script, communicate, your interruption) 2)Directing Scene (Must have conflict & tension) 3)Directing Shoot (on schedule on budget everyday) 4)Directing Camera (Choose the shots) BOARDS, do it yourself, do them, storyboard, rehearse, change everything A great director makes a great script better BUDGET (90 min. feature, 8100' (7 to 1) 60,000'is how many feet of film left over (shooting ratio) How many pages done per day? (script supervisor notes) How many feet of film use to get those pages (camera reports) 5 pages x 90' per minute = 450 feet If 3000' for 5 pages per day ratio 7 to 1, more then 10% over ratio is BAD DIRECTORS, DP & SHOOTING RATIO Day2 If Over ratio tell Director & DP Day 3 over ratio again, if not down well below ratio It's a problem DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT (1)QUIT (2)Fire Director (3)Raise more $, add one more week, more film stock (4)Give DP only one 1000' can of film to get 5 pages in one day (master shots only, a few mediums, no CU) MAX out production values (every scene, Master, 2 med., POV, reaction, CU, cutaway ONLY 3 takes SHOOT MASTER FIRST THEN GO IN FOR COVERAGE DIRECTORS: Should never talk to actors once camera rolls, except ACTION. When doing Master know where other shoots go. 6 to 1 ratio, only ONE take per shot (500 feet per page) Never Hire Director's AD, hire your own. DIRECTOR: must storyboard himself FILM STOCK: Buy from reseller 60,000' (7 to 1) 1000' rolls mostly High Speed Stock Breakdown script to figure how many pages/scenes are: INT.DAY/NIGHT, or EXT. NIGHT high speed EXT. DAY regular speed Highest price (.38 per foot) if 50,000 = $19,000 ask for 30% discount Call Kodak, and if no deal say "Fuji”, “emerging filmmakers program" RESELLERS: (.25 to .30¢ per foot) SteadiSystems, Studio Film RECAN: (.20 per foot) Tested Twice Short Ends: (under 400') .10 per foot) Long Ends over (400') .15 per foot LABS:rate card take 30% off Cash upfront $5,000 cash deposit Develop Neg. 11126/ One Light .164 per foot (high .21 - .28) real .22 to .30 CAMERA Package: Day rate $1200-$1500 week rate = 2 Day rates ($3000 per week X 3 weeks $9000 to 12,000. Two Days prior to Pick Up, DP and AC, check out camera for test EXPENDABLES: Gels, tapes, batts, pens SOUND EQUIPMENT, MIXER, BOOM PACKAGE: $2000 week (1) Nagra, or Pro DAT, (2) Mics, cables, boom, RF mics (c) Pre-mix box SOUND TRANSFER: (full coat/mag film stock) .04 to .08 per foot LIGHT & GRIP PACKAGE (with GAFFER and BEST BOY incl) $2K to3K per week) includes truck DOLLY: $1000 week, PeeWeek or Chapman, dolly grip 800/wk, grip 500wk CAMERA CREW: ($5k to $6k, 4 people) DP ($1000/wk) , CAM OP(1000wk), 1AC (750wk), 2AC (500 wk) Prod. MGR: (430am to 11:30pm)(2 wks prep, 1 wk wrap) NEVER ON SET Get 1st shot off within 40 mins of Call time, push AD, What needs to be done TODAY:, catering, lens, toilets Think of tomorrow; parking, power, secure location 7PM, film to lab, Dailies 10 PM Prod. Coord. (office) $300 wk (2 weeks pre, 1 week wrap) 1st AD/PM: $1000 wk (3 days pre, 2 days wrap) SCRIPT SUPERVISOR: $400 wk( 2 days prep, 3 days wrap) CRAFTSERVICE: 1st on set, coffee must be ready for crew at Call time (200wk) Day starts when coffee is ready!!! Coffee, hot breakfast, fruit, juice, cereal the best food, tea bagels, muffins, CLEAN and update PA's: (4) Hire only if have Van or Truck. They steal. ($175 wk) ART: Props, purchase, rental, sets (PD $600wk, SD $500wk, Painter 350/wk) WARDROBE: just clothes, pay, rent, clean ($250 wk) HAIR: $500wk LOCATIONS: PERMITS: Business license, solve problems w $100 bills (1) Look (2) Electric (3) Permits (4) Photocopiers (5) parking Who owns and controls property; rates day or week, month, insurance INSURANCE: If can afford buy it. Need Basic Coverage: INSURANCE: (1) Mechanical Equipment Liability, theft, damage Ins. Camera $150K to $250K (2) General Comprehensive Liability Ins. ($1 mil to $10 mil) (3) Workers Comp. (4) Errors & Omissions (distributor) cost: $5k to $10K (5) Completion Bond (only over $1 mill budget) 6% SYNC & EDGE: Assistant Editor $300wk ($1000) Equip. $1000 month edge code $1k OFFICE: (2) phone lines, an real live answering service $1000 month PR: min. $10,000 to $30,000 FOOD: great food 6 hours after CALL. IT'S NOT FOOD IT'S FUEL!!!! PRO CATERING 2nd meal, burgers, pizza, Chinese (20 mins.) walking meal |