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Self-Analysis Essay

Which Organizational Culture Fits You?

Indicate which one of the following organizational cultures you feel most comfortable working in.

A culture that values talent, entrepreneurial activity, and performance over commitment; one that offers large financial rewards and individual recognition.

A culture that stresses loyalty, working for the good of the group, and getting to know the right people; one that believes in "generalists" and "step-by-step career progress.

A culture that offers little job security; one that operates with a survival mentality, stresses that every individual can make a difference, and focuses attention on "turn-around" opportunities.

A culture that values long-term relationships; one that emphasizes systematic career development, regular training, and advancement based on gaining functional expertise.

Score: The baseball team

1 = "baseball team" A culture that values talent, entrepreneurial activity, and performance over commitment; one that offers large financial rewards and individual recognition.

2 = "the club" A culture that stresses loyalty, working for the good of the group, and getting to know the right people; one that believes in "generalists" and "step-by-step career progress.

3 = "the fortress" A culture that offers little job security; one that operates with a survival mentality, stresses that every individual can make a difference, and focuses attention on "turn-around" opportunities.

4 = "the academy" A culture that values long-term relationships; one that emphasizes systematic career development, regular training, and advancement based on gaining functional expertise.

The Interpretation
To some extent, your future career success may depend on working for an organization in which there is a good fit between you and the prevailing corporate culture. This assessment can help you learn how to recognize various cultures, evaluate how well they can serve your needs, and recongize how they may change with time. A risk taker, for example, may be out of place in a "club" but fit right in with a "baseball team." Someone who wants to seek opportunities wherever they may occur may be out of place in an academy" but fit right in with a "fortress."

Last Updated: 5/23/2004

Webmaster: Miguel Martinez

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