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Self-Analysis Essay |
Select your most appropriate answer for the following statements: 1. How often have you heard jokes or remarks about other people that you consider offensive? Sometimes 2. How often do you hear men "talk down" to women in an attempt to keep them in an inferior status? Sometimes 3. How often have you felt personal discomfort as the object of sexual harassment? Never 4. How often do you work or study with African Americans or Hispanics? Often 5. How often have you felt disadvantaged because members of ethnic groups other than yours were given special treatment? Sometimes 6. How often have you seen a women put in an uncomfortable situation because of unwelcome advances by a man? Often 7. How often does it seem that African Americans, Hispanics, Caucasians, women, men, and members o fother minoirty demographic groups seem to "stick together" during work breaks or other leisure situations? Often 8. How often do you feel uncomfortable about something you did and/or said to someone of the opposite sex or a member of an ethnic or racial group other than yours? Sometimes 9. How often do you feel efforts are made in this setting to raise the level of cross-cultural understanding among people who work and/or study together? Sometimes 10. How often do you step in to communicate concerns to others when you feel actions and/or words are used to the disadvantage of minorities? Sometimes SCORE INTERPRETATION |
Last Updated: 5/23/2004Webmaster: Miguel MartinezQuestions or comments? Send me an e-mail: msm4711@yahoo.com |