Happy Chinese New Year !!!!

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Index of Activities

1. Its the New Millenium and the Chinese Year of the Dragon.
Check your horoscope here :
Chinese Horoscope
Western Horoscope

2. Try your New Year Luck with the Jackpot Machine
3. Here are some of my newer collection of jokes. Sit back relax and enjoy the New Millenium !

4. Photos - The photos taken at ZhuHai International Meeting

5. Archive 1 of jokes. Archive 2 of jokes

6. Clinical Information- Some articles and medical information releases ?

7. Optical Illusions - A kind contribution from a friend.

8. Good Quotations - Another kind contribution from a friend.

I will be providing the more of the below services to visitors to this site with time


If you wish to drop me a question or discuss any health topic of interest, please e-mail me at zofranal@yahoo.com

Many thanks

Please come back soon and visit me.

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