I have thought for years on what a witch is. I have searched, I have gone blind. I came to the conclusion that a witch is no one specific thing, no one type of person. They are people of many faiths, many lifestyles and many attitudes.
I came to the conclusion that a witch is a very simple thing. Not a simple person, not a simple soul, but the word, the idea can be explained by a few words.
A witch is one who follows their heart, finds their truth and implements it with magick and spirit. No book can make one a witch, no ritual, no words, and no title.
This can mean many things and can be interperated many ways. I see this as following that which resides within you. Witches use the magickal energies that surround them for finding your destiny and developing your truth. I see a witch as having certain goals, ideals and morals. These may or may not benefit others, but they work for the general improvement of ones abilities and soul.