Do you have a dream? You need one. Dreams give hope. They display a powerful image of what life can be. Has your dream been shattered? Worse yet, has your dream turned into a nightmare and come true? For all of us dreamers, there is hope.
Joseph was called, derisively, the dreamer. Some of his dreams were prophetic. He saw himself as a leader of men. Joseph dreamed of using his considerable talents to do great things for God and his family. Joseph's dreams enabled him to live affirmatively.
I. Affirmative living means recognizing the presence of God in your life.
A. Whatever happened to Joseph never caused him to give up on God.
B. In fact, everything that happened to him only drew him closer to God.
C. Do you notice the presence of God in your life? Do you believe he has a plan for you? If not, you need to dare to dream again.
A. Joseph was hated and sold into slavery. He was unjustly accused and placed in prison. Though forgotten, he never lost hope. We couldn't have blamed him if he had.
B. But, whatever happened to Joseph, he kept on making the best of it. He was sold into slavery only to become the head servant. Sent to prison, he took over the administration. Brought before the king, he became Pharaoh's right hand man.
C. Are you faced with troubles that bear down on you? If so, you need to dare to dream again.
III. Affirmative living means maintaining your principles even when inconvenient.
A. Joseph faced his biggest challenge when accosted by his master's wife.
B. He could have given all kinds of excuses to give in, but he was willing to do what was right, in spite of the consequences. Have you been mistreated? If so, you need to dare to dream again.
IV. Affirmative living means recognizing God is in control.
A. Joseph, when he was finally reunited with his brothers, said to them, "What you did to me you meant for bad, God used for good." Joseph believed that ultimately God is in control, and that all things work together for good.
B. Have you wondered if God has deserted you, or if your life has any purpose at all? If so, you need to dare to dream again.
It is my prayer that God will give you a dream if you do not have one. That he will restore your dream if it has been shattered. That he will give you courage if your dreams have turned to nightmares. Dare to dream again. If you have no dream, you are already dead.
If you were to observe a group of people in a downtown area, all walking in different directions, you might think there they had no purpose at all. But if you were to interview each person, you would find that they are going somewhere and there is a purpose in the trip. Likewise, this world seems at times chaotic, but if we had the wisdom, we would see that there is a direction and purpose in life.
It Costs to Serve Jesus
The Nation Whose God Is the Lord
Women in Worship
A Day to Remember
Dealing with Pain
Displayed Lesson
Prayer Pointers
Trusting in God's Promises
How to Study the Bible
Seeker Issue: Dealing with a Difficult Past
Independence Day: The Nation Whose God is the Lord
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Dan Steinruck 2741 Briarpatch Lane Powhatan, VA 23139
Phone (804) 598-4675 FAX (804) 598-1468