If you wanted someone to instruct you in marksmanship or grenade tossing, wouldn't you choose someone who is good at this stuff?
The same goes for prayer. If you want a better prayer life, why not go to someone who excelled in the ministry of prayer? Why not go to Jesus?
  One of the topics Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount was prayer. What principles for our prayer life can we find there?
I. Prayer should be addressed to God not man (vv. 5, 6).
A. This is not a condemnation of public prayer. Jesus prayed publicly, but not to impress others. The Lord's Prayer was a public prayer to teach us how to pray.
B. It does mean that we must always remember who we are addressing. Prayer time is not a time to try to impress people, but to communicate with God.
C. If we talk to be heard by men, they will hear, but God will not.
A. This is not a condemnation of persistence. Later in the sermon, Jesus will recommend persistence.
B. It is condemning empty repetition.
C. It is condemning the notion that the best prayers are the longest prayers.
III. Prayer should follow Jesus' pattern, not our preferences (vv. 9-13).
A. Praise should always come first.
1. Respect for God's names.
2. Commitment to God's kingdom.
3. Submission to God's will.
B. Petition is important but should always come second.
1. Petition for the provision of daily needs.
2. Petition for the pardon of past sins.
3. Petition for the promise of future guidance.
IV. Prayer should affect our behavior, not just our mood (v. 14).
A. Prayer may make us feel better. While that is welcome, it is not all there is to our prayer life.
B. Prayer will affect the way we relate to other people.
C. If we have received forgiveness from God, it will be difficult not to extend it to others. Something is seriously wrong if we cannot do this.
While prayer is a natural desire of the human heart, it often seems so unnatural. We should not be afraid to accept instruction. Like the disciples of old we cry out, "Lord, teach us to pray." He will do that for you. And you will be able to enjoy a lifetime of close communication and fellowship with God.
Bill Moyers, who had previously studied for the ministry, worked in Lyndon Johnson's White House. At one meal, he was asked to say grace. He said it so softly that the boisterous President Johnson said, "Speak up Bill, I can't hear you." Moyers replied, "Mr. President, I wasn't speaking to you."
A little boy got confused saying the Lord's Prayer. Instead of saying "Hallowed be Thy name," he said "Harold be thy name."
It Costs to Serve Jesus
The Nation Whose God Is the Lord
Women in Worship
A Day to Remember
Dealing with Pain
Affirmative Living - The Life of Joseph
Displayed Lesson
Trusting in God's Promises
How to Study the Bible
Seeker Issue: Dealing with a Difficult Past
Independence Day: The Nation Whose God is the Lord
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Dan Steinruck 2741 Briarpatch Lane Powhatan, VA 23139
Phone (804) 598-4675 FAX (804) 598-1468