While this verse may have originally applied to the nation of Israel, it is obvious that the principle here applies to any nation or to all nations.
I. A Godless Nation.
A. Many say that our nation is godless. There is certainly much to suggest that this saying is true.
1. There is such a lowering of moral standards that many do not at all take seriously the Ten Commandments.
2. There is a disregard for personal property.
3. There is a disregard for personal purity.
4. There is even a disregard for human life.
5. There is a disregard for laws, whether man's or God's.
B. The thought of a godless nation is chilling.
1. It is like shepherdless sheep.
2. It is like a fatherless child.
A. One might say that our nation is not godless. The problem is that the nation has too many gods.
1. There is the god of success.
2. There is the god of money.
3. There is the god of pleasure.
4. There is the god of sex.
5. There is the god of fame.
6. There is the god of power.
B. With so many gods, is it surprising that the one true God is forgotten?
III. The Nation Whose God Is the Lord.
A. When the text was written there were many gods. Most nations had several. Some had hundreds.
B. Jehovah declares again and again that He is a zealous God and will permit no rivals. This idea of monotheism changed the world.
C. What is necessary for a nation to be able to say that their God is the Lord?
1. They must honor His laws.
2. They must respect His name.
3. They must honor His day.
4. They must respect His house.
5. Above all, they must respect Him!
D. What is the result when a nation honors God?
1. They have less turmoil and unrest within.
2. They have more compassion for helping those who are without.
3. They have a heightened sense of security.
4. Perhaps we have yet to see how many blessings might come to any nation that takes this text seriously.
On a day when one looks back to the founding of this nation; on a day when we are grateful for the wisdom and the sacrifices of the past; it is good to look ahead to what can be in the future.
The makers of hats have gone beyond advertising to putting some humorous and whimsical mottoes on their products. One hat said, "I am Their Leader. Which Way Did They Go?"
It Costs to Serve Jesus
Displayed Lesson
Women in Worship
A Day to Remember
Dealing With Pain
Affirmative Living - The Life of Joseph
Prayer Pointers
Trusting in God's Promises
How to Study the Bible
Seeker Issue: Dealing with a Difficult Past
Independence Day: The Nation Whose God is the Lord
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Dan Steinruck 2741 Briarpatch Lane Powhatan, VA 23139
Phone (804) 598-4675 FAX (804) 598-1468