The chicks are really growing & are living outdoors now (in a chicken coop). In about another month & or so, they'll be able to run loose in the pen with Hillary (the pig) & Eva (the Silky chicken). We've been gradually letting them get to know each other on the weekends. You know... that "pecking order" thing. We've got to watch that the established chickens don't peck the new ones to pieces. Eva, will go up to them & jump straight up in the air and pounce on them. Well, this past weekend, she did it & they pounced right back on her. She took off hollering and running for cover (we humans). It was like she was telling on them, "did you see what they did to me"? I think she has learned her lesson, after that we just watched them all and everyone seeemed to get along just fine. My niece & nephew named them "Sweety" and "Cyote". |