He was found close by his "probable" mother & one of his siblings (both dead). He was full of fleas and very skinny (@ about 6 wks old weighing in at 1 1/2 lbs). The worse part, though, was that he was born with an odd eye condition & had to have surgery. His eyelids were "rolled under" causing a great deal of irritation on both his cornea's. Possible permanent damage, but hopefully he'll have perfect vision. Time will tell. We have named him "Sampson".

Baby bird
This little one was found just by the side of the house. A recent acquaintance told me that most of the baby birds found out side of their nest were usually "knocked out" by their mother, because they have some kind of ailment. AND that only about 20% of "these" taken in by people like us, live. Unfortunately, we've had 100% mortality rate.

Well, the girls are really guys. We'll be building a new pen for them, I'm not sure we're wanting to start a brood...

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Update: July, 2000 Update: April, 2001
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  Update: August, 2001
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