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Analysis of Soils at Royal Roads University

by Waterose et. al.

Judith R. Burke, B. Elduayen, H. Wijoyo



Please be aware that this is a student level lab and has not been peer reviewed by a professional journal. Please refer to primary journal publications for additional information for your research.

Student labs are my favourite part of learning because each is a prototype mini-project with multiple stages of: planning, doing, analysing, and writing.

This lab spanned over a period of four weeks and was completed by a team of three members; we completed the excercises together, and each member completed sections of the written report as follows:

    Chief Editor: Judith R. Burke, the Waterose

    Graphics: by Judith R.Burke

  1. Introduction: by Judith R. Burke

  2. Field Sampling: by Judith R. Burke

  3. Laboratory Analysis: edited by Judith R. Burke

  4. 3.1 Overview of Laboratory Analysis: by Judith R. Burke

    3.2 Soil pH Analysis: by Hermanto Wijoyo

    3.3 Sieve Analysis: by Hermanto Wijoyo

    3.4 Hydrometer Analysis: by Barbara Elduayen

    3.5 Permeability Analysis: by Barbara Elduayen

  5. Soil Classification: by Judith R. Burke

  6. References: by Judith R. Burke

  7. Postscript: by Judith R. Burke


Gone Paddlin...


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