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Analysis of Soils at Royal Roads University

by Waterose et. al.


Section 5. References:

Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil Survey. 1987. Second Edition. The Canadian System of Soil Classification. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Supply and Services, Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. 164 pp.

Boydell, T. 1998. Handout. "Environmental Science 316: Soils Studies." January 26, 1998.

Describing the Ecosystems in the Field. Second Edition. MOE Manual. Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks. Ministry of Forests. Province of British Columbia. Victoria, B.C. pp. 69 to 104.

Jungen, J.R. 1985. Soils of Southern Vancouver Island. British Columbia Soil Survey Report No 44. BC Ministry of Environment. Surveys and Resource Mapping Branch. MOE Technical Report 17. Victoria, B.C. 198 pp.

Kough, B. 1969. Basic Soils Engineering. Ronald Press, NY, NY. 486 pp.

Madrone Consultants. 1995. Ecological Assessment of Royal Roads Property C.F.B. Esquimalt Vancouver Island for Department of Natural Resources and Department of National Defence. Duncan, B.C. 48 pp.

Maynard, D. 1977. Guidebook for Geologic Field Trips in the Lynn Canyon-Seymour Area of North Vancouver. Adventures in Earth Sciences Number 22. Department of Geological Sciences. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C. 60 pp.

Munsell. 1994. Munsell Soil Colour Charts. Revised Ed. Munsell Colour. Kollmorgan Instruments Corp. New Windsor, NY.

Royal Roads University. 1997. Calendar 1997-1998. Victoria, B.C. 62 pp.

Ryder, J. 1994. Guidelines and Standards to Terrain Geology Mapping in British Columbia. Terrain Geology Task Force Resource Inventory Committee. Vancouver, B.C. in Royal Roads Environmental Sciences Lab Manual. Appendix XIV. pp. 1-15. Royal Roads University. Victoria, B.C. 1997.

Waterose. Table of Geologic History of Coastal Mountains of BC. Available at Internet URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/RainForest/Vines/4301/tour.html

To Postscript:


  1. Introduction:
  2. Field Sampling:
  3. Laboratory Analysis:
  4. Soil Classification:
  5. References:
  6. Postscript:
  7. Tables and Figures


Mailemail Waterose

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