Can You

A Day, A Life, A Love
Can You
Elderly Wise
The Mare and The Dragon
Priorities of Life
The Pebble
Simple Complexity
That Which I percieve is you
The Hall
Too Late
Would You?
Visions In Your Eyes
The Daisy
The Gift
Sleepless In Bed
Samaritan News
Ask These Questions
My Love in the Night Sky
Lost and Wondering
I am on A Journey
How Can I . . .
Life as a Buddhist
Am I?

By: Hien Bui

Can you see the threads of rain an angel uses to stitch the sky to the earth?

Can you feel the heat from the fire the sun builds in the sky to cook his meal?

Can you hear the songs the wind sings to his lover - the leaf?

Can you reach the colorful bridge to happiness - the rainbow?

If you say you can to all those questions,

How can you be so ignorant

not to see something right by your side -

The light of love in my eyes?


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