By: Michael Young
The mare runs, freedom awake.
With the wind she will race.
Her mane flows, eternal beauty and grace.
Her life a road, only she can take.
Willful and proud, she runs amongst the clouds.
Her grace the envy of love.
Her poise the admiration of the wise.
The dragon is lost, his aloof and lonesome manner.
Tempered by beauty, humbled pride, proud in humility,
Aware of life, a mystic being, he flies with vigor,
This world he adores. He finds no solace on any shore.
Resolute, believing he has seen all, Wise and ignorant,
He searches no more.
The mare sees a light, bright, comforting and
The dragon sees passionate beauty, full of grace, spellbinding.
A Challenge ensues, resistance futile,
a race, a flight, a journey, Eternal.
The mare moves from place through grace, hooves on the ground,
Knowledge, experience, faith her base.
The dragon soars from cloud to peak, his shadow protecting the mare,
From the noon day sun, He protects his heart his soul sacrificed.
Together they run, together they fly,
The mare, the Dragon, eternal passion,
Love at first flight.
Two spirits bound throughout time,
Beauty, grace, wisdom, passion, love, embroiled in two souls
Together, the mare, the dragon, are whole.
11 April 1999, Nashua NH, (Motel 6)