
Marilyn Anderson

Born: August 14, 1933, Waverly, Iowa

After many years of observing my husband’s photography and assisting him, I began to actively photograph in 1989. I have studied with Lucien Clergue at the Maine Photographic Workshops and Karin Rosenthal at the Cape Cod Photographic Workshops. In this relatively short time I have generated several series of work exploring a number of techniques. My two favorites are the Sabatier  Effect with black and white materials and Infrared Film.

Selected Awards
1997 Rock Creek Gallery, Washington, DC, Juror’s Choice Award, Sandy Sugar
1997 The Art League, Alexandria, VA, March show, Equal Award, juror, Nan Haid
1997 Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD, 2nd Place, Photography, juror, Cynthia McBride
1997 eklektikos Gallery, Washington, DC, Small Works Show, Best in Show, jurors, Michael Sprouse and Mark Planisek
1996 The Art League, Alexandria, VA, Landscape Show, Honorable Mention, juror, Richard Murray
1996 Rock Creek Gallery, Washington, DC, Juror’s choice award, juror, Ron Haney
1996 Capitol Hill Art League, Washington, DC, Best in Show Award
1995 Touchstone Gallery, Washington, DC, Small Works Exhibition, Honorable Mention, juror, Nancy Drysdale
1995 McCrillis Gallery, Bethesda, MD, First Place, “Altered Images”. juror, Elliot Cohen
1995 Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD, Juror’s choice award, juror, Cora Rupp
1995 Capitol Hill Art League, Washington, DC, Best in Show Award
1994 McCrillis Gallery, Bethesda, MD, First Place, “Lines Angles and Curves”, juror, Jerry Stepheny
1994 Fall Regional Competition, Council of Maryland Camera Clubs, First, Second and Third place in unlimited (advanced) monochrome prints.
1994 Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD, First Annual Juried Art Show, Second place, photography, juror, A. Brooke. Stevenson

Selected Exhibits
1998 Shepherd College, 8th Annual Photography Show, Shepherdstown, WV
1998 Stage Gallerly, Merrrick, Long Island, New York
1998 Portraits as Icons, Target Gallery, Torpedo Factory Art Center, Alexandria, VA, Juror Terri Sultan
1998 Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD, Figures in the Landscape, (solo show)
1998 Greater Reston Arts Center, Reston, VA, Color Forbidden: Figures in Blak and White
1998 eklektikos gallery of art, Washington, DC (solo show)
1998 Touchstone Gallery, Washington, DC, Juried small works all media show, juror, JoAnn Moser
1997 3rd Street Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
1997 Spectra’97, Silvermine Art Guild, New Canaan, CT, Juror Robert Sobieszek
1997 Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD National Photography Show, Juror, Stephen Perloff
1997 Foundry Gallery, Washington, DC, Juror William Dunlap
1997 Riverby Gallery, Fredericksburg, VA
1997 Open Space Gallery, Allentown, PA, Jurors Steven Perloff and Julius Vitali
1997 Phillips Mill Photographic Exhibition, Solebury, PA, Jurors: Steven Perloff, Gordon Smith, and David Graham
1997 Touchstone Gallery, Washington, DC, Juried small works all media show, juror, Samuel Hoi
1997 Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD, National juried exhibit. “Art on Paper”, juror, Ruth Fine
1997 Curator of exhibit at Factory Photoworks Gallery, Alexandria, VA
1996 Touchstone Gallery, Washington, DC, Juried small works all media show, juror, Terrie Sultan
1996 Spectrum Gallery, Washington, DC, juror, Willem deLooper
1996 International Art Gallery, Washington, DC (three person show)
1995 Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD, National juried exhibit. “Art on Paper”, juror, Frank Gettings
1994 Howard County Community College (two person show)
1993 Arts Club of Washington, DC (four one person shows)

Represented by
The Gallery at Studio 105, Shepherdstown, West VA, 25443
Washington County Arts Council Gallery, Hagerstown, MD
eklektitos gallery, 1054 31st Street, NW Washington, DC 20007


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