Marilyn Anderson Portfolio #6
Rome: motor scooters

Rome abounds with monuments, ruins, cats and motor scooters.  The scooters are a favorite means of personal transportation and are found everywhere, some times with cats (#3).  They readily capture the imagination of the street photographer, much as store fronts and windows do.

Motorcycle #1.jpg (13219 bytes)

Motorcycle #2.jpg (14419 bytes)

Motorcycle #3.jpg (14303 bytes)

Motorscooter #1

Motorscooter #2

Motorscooter #3

Motorcycle #4.jpg (14217 bytes)

Motorcycle #5.jpg (14006 bytes)

Motorcycle #6.jpg (13107 bytes)

Motorscooter #4

Motorscooter #5

Motorscooter #6


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