Calgon, take me home!
Don't Call Me Lil' Kitty

Sugar Daddies And Fetishes

You can refer in part to Sex and the Married Man, as they tend to overlap.

Historically speaking, concubines, or "kept women", used sex as barter for an apartment, fly wardrobe, and financial stability. On the downside, destiny kept them sperm receptacles and trophies for the men who bankrolled them. Nowadays, women can use sex as a bargaining chip, and not be too frowned upon.

Anna Nicole Smith cashed out, as did Empress Josephine. Rich old men realize it's lonely at the top, even with established wives...sometimes, though, "daddies" can be rich young investment bankers, or rich young scions that need a girlfriend in the states. Or gameshow winners. Just don't forget the "rich".

Also must address the Asian Fetish. Apparently, it's more widespread than originally thought, if you believe the 7 out of 8 pages in the back of the Weekly that are for Asian escort services. One friend said to me in a pique "you get all the breaks", as we walked by the fifth British boy/Asian girl couple. Of course, get all the "ni haous" and "konichiwas" as I walk down the street, and invariably in bars, I'll get picked up by someone who just got dumped by his Asian wife/girlfriend. Any inquiry into my bloodlines gets me on the defensive. In Washington, DC, it was especially bad, as many servicemen, and goverment employees deal exclusively with the East. I've also noticed that it's the older men that have the "yellow fever" - guessing what popular culture was like then, that doesn't surprise me one bit.

What I've learned, though despite the turn-off, is that some of the nicest guys I know profess The Fetish, and I've started to question the pejorative nature (read: how sick) it actually is. My ex-roommate spent time in Thailand, and all his girlfriends had been Asian, yet he was thoughtful and intelligent (yes, he made a pass at me). Another friend was attractive, well-traveled, schooled in Eastern philosophy and martial arts, and had an Asian girlfriend. Fetish, or buy-in to another culture?

Are culture and race continually territorial barriers being usurped? Or is it to be written off like shrimping??

Like Dante's Inferno, I believe there are levels of fetishism that go from appreciation of culture to obsession to racism. The ones at the bottom just aren't worth saving.

For what it's worth, I don't hold "The Fetish" against some of my male friends, but torment them mercilessly with it. I'm kidding. Not.

Ego sez that I'll place my money with the guy whose exes i don't resemble. Fetishists, be aware that reverse psychology usually works, but once you let your true colors show, watch out! Also for your "o" girls out there, you know you're a double threat, and can easily find a sugar daddy of your very own to "submit to" (read: control).

Today's gem: If asked about your ethnicity, bat your eyes alluringly and reply, "No speakee idiot." Remember to take the drink he bought with you as you walk away.

Next week: Anti-monogamistos!


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