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Shoe Porn
Learn from This (or look on in horror/amusement)
Enlightened Leisurely Reading
Trick or Treat
Forget Miss Cleo!
Don't Call Me Lil' Kitty

PMS?  Chocolate?  Philandering Men?  Crazy landlords?  Obsessive callersStruggling with career?  An overreliance on vodka?? Welcome to my world!

Current Rants (updated!)

Thongs City Living Stalkers/Pervs
Cheating Sugar Daddies/Fetishists Club Scene
Man Friends Accidental Ho'ing Not Gettin' Any
Squid Jigging Boring Couples Drama Queens
Stealth Vibing Shit Eaters PDA
Kicking Butt Gal Pals Free Love

Helpful Hints:

The navigation on this site is all fucked up. If you want to, start at "City Living" and follow the trail of crumbs at the bottom. If you'd rather browse what you want, click on "Calgon, take me home!" and you'll get back to the full list of pages. My sinister plan to rack up hits on the home page, mwa hah ha...

Oh, and any resemblance between any of these headcases and people I know is fully intentional. Names have been changed or omitted to protect the truly guilty. Fuck 'em all, it's my site! Free speech!

Today's gem:

Lots of gals and guys who want to be gals run advice columns. This one's all about me, me, me! But feel free to send in questions, and I'll review. So here's the token question of the month:

Miss Kitty, I find your column amusing. Keep it up! But, doesn't it make you uncomfortable to objectify and dumb down men the way you do...C'mon, they're not always all about sex. - Christina from Park Slope

Miss Kitty sez: Nothing makes me more comfortable than saddling up some hormone-addled guy and riding his ass all the way to the bank. With spurs on.

Girls, why tie down and make one man miserable when you can be a free agent and torture thousands? Now, really!

Speaking of which, 2005 is shaping up to be the year of the rooster. Cock-a-doodle doo, kids!






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