Author:Elizabeth Lowell
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| "A Woman Without Lies" | The Donovan's |
| "Forget Me Not" | "Lover in the Rough" |
| Medieval Trilogy | The "Only" Series | The Maxwells |
| Ann Maxwell Books |


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box The Donovans:


Elizabeth Lowell, whose real name is Ann Maxwell, lives in the San Juan Islands of Washington, with her husband, Evan. In addition to the books written under her own name and as Elizabeth Lowell, Ann also writes mysteries with her husband under the name A.E. Maxwell.


"A Woman Without Lies"
Silhouette Books, 1985; Avon Books, December 199b
Reviewed on 5/2/01
A Woman Without Lies

An artist in glass and light, Angel once loved with sweetness and fire. Then she learned the pain of irretrievable loss - the sad and sudden permanence of death. Miles Hawkins has known only hatred and betrayal from women. Scarred and embittered, Hawk became a solitary, distnat man - vowing never to let himself trust a woman again. When Angel and Hawk first meet, they misjudge and hurt each other badly. But Angel is willing to risk what proud, silent Hawk cannot. Gently she brings truth and love to a tormented soul who believes in neither... though she fears in her heart that, by loving Hawk, she will surely lose him.

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The Donovan's "Amber Beach"
"Jade Island"
"Pearl Cove"
"Midnight in Ruby Bayou"


"Amber Beach"
Avon, October 1998
Reviewed on 7/5/00
Amber Beach

Jewelry designer Honor Donovan was never welcomed into her father's international gem-trading empire like her four brothers were. But when her favorite brother Kyle disappears, rumored to have made off with a fortune in amber, Honor defies the men of her family and head for the San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest in search of answers. Jake Mallory has been doing business with Donovan International and suspects he's been set up to take the fall for Kyle's dirty tricks. When he and Honor meet, a journey that begins with dark suspicion and plans of vengeance turns into a dangerous voyage of temptation and betrayal. Alone at sea, they fight against growing passions and lingering distrust. But as they flee from from violent enemies in pursuit of the mysteries of the Amber Room, they discover that the deepest secrets lie within themselves.

"Jade Island"
Avon, April 1999
Reviewed on 7/5/00
Jade Island

Wild and restless, Kyle Donovan has freed himself from the constraints of his family's high-powered gem-trading empire to rove the world as a treasure hunter. Now the president of Donovan International has given Kyle an assignment with explosive ramifications. a case he must take. When one of China's legendary cultural treasurs is stolen, Lianne Blakely, a mysterious and beautiful jade expert, is accused of the theft. It's Kyle's job to get to the bottom of what could be a potential disaster for the Donovans as well as Lianne. But Kyle finds himself irresistibly drawn to the exotic beauty and captivated by her fierce claim of innocence. Soon they are into the perils of spiraling power plays, and linked by a passion as powerful as the lore of the acient culture and as enduring as the splendor of the treasured jade.

"Pearl Cove"
Avon, June 2000
Reviewed on 7/5/00
Pearl Cove

Surrounded by potential enemies, Hannah McGarry faces the mystery of her husband's suspicious death, the prospect of bankruptcy... and the disappearance of the fabulous Black Trinity necklace that was to be her financial security. Desperate, she calls Archer Donovan, a silent partner in Pearl Cove, her late husband's pearl farm venture. He might help her... if the price is right. Archer Donovan would rather forget he'd ever heard of Pearl Cove... its memories of living on the dark side, the soulnumbing certainty that there was no law, no justice, no mercy; just hunters and the hunted. That life taught him to trust no one but family. But when Hannah McGarry calls in an old debt Archer is back in the game. And at his side in pursuit of the stolen fortune is a woman he shouldn't want, yet cannot resist... a woman who may know more than she's telling about the dark and elusive black pearls. With deadly competitors on their tails, Archer and Hannah race through uncharted waters in search of the fabulous Black Trinity. And the closer they come to finding the coveted pearls, the closer they come to danger and death... and to each other.

"Midnight in Ruby Bayou"
William Morrow, 2000, HC
Reviewed on 8/5/00
Midnight in Ruby Bayou

Since the marriage of her twin sister Honor, and her own unhappy love affair, Faith Donovan has poured her heart and soul into making the exquisite artistic jewelry favored by the rich and famous throughout the world. Her creations require rubies of the finest quality. To get such gems, Faith - who has learned the hard way to trust no man outside her family - must work with Owen Walker. Walker, an outwardly easy-going Southerner with an intimate knowledge of the ruby trade and man's murderous greed, is famous for his ability to talk himself out of situations that would get other men killed. Yet the idea of working with Faith makes him nervous. He suspects the protecting her and the fabulous wedding necklace commissioned by the Montegeau family will be more dangerous than smuggling rubies out of Afghanistan. In search of quality stones, Faith and Walker travel to Savannah to seek the help of the powerful Montegeaus, a family descended from pirates and smugglers, and reputed to be in possession of a fortune in fine gems, hidden for generations in the legendary Blssing Chest. Unaware of the dark side of the family behind the glittering jewelry business and Hilton Head mansion, the two accept an invitation to "relax" at a family dinner held in the living shadows of historic Ruby Bayou. Drawn into a terrifying web of greed, corruption and betrayal, Faith and Walker discover the dark and shameful secrets of generations of Montegeaus as well as those who would kill for the contents of the Blessing Chest. Horrified by what they have learned and the danger that is closing in on them, Faith and Walker race for their lives across the black waters of the salt marshes - pursued by greedy men and a deadly past.

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"Forget Me Not"
Silhouette, 1984; Avon, December 1994
Reviewed on 1/9/00
Forget Me Not

Alana Reeves has no memory of the tragedy that shattered her life - those six lost days on Wyoming's Broken Mountain that cost everything she held dear. But a man has appeared from the shadows of her past - a rugged outdoorsman who once dwelled in the heart he is now sworn to heal. And once more Alana must follow Rafe Winter - this time back to the scene of her nightmares. For only in Rafe's poerful, enfolding arms can she truely conquer her fears... and learn to love again.

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"Lover in the Rough"
Avon, January 1994
Reviewed on 1/9/00
Lover in the Rough

As exquisite as a fine diamond but fragile as glass, Reba Farrall wandered aimless and lost - until a kind, caring old gentleman helped to heal her shattered spirit. But now her dearest friend is gone, leaving Reba with a broken, doubting heart... and a half-interest in a California gold mine. Daring and handsome, Chance Walker is an adventurer who believes in nothing except the priceless uncut stones which he searches the Earth. Now the most precious jewel of all awaits him in Death Valley. but danger is stalking Reba Farrall. And Chance knows only he can save the sad and sensuous beauty - and that only she can teach him how to love.

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Medieval Trilogy "Untamed"


Avon, March 1993
Reviewed on 1/16/00

Returning from the Crusades, unbowed and triumphant, the noble knight, Dominic le Sabre, comes to Scotland to claim his reward - the beautiful Saxon bride promised to him by the conqueror King. The well-beloved daughter of a sacred tribe of Celtic mystics, Lady Margaret of Blackthorne vows never to yeild to the bold Norman invader who has been forced upon her. For she fears an ancient curse may bring further bloodshed to her battle-scarred land... and sorrow to her marriage bed. With a word, the stunning, high-born enchantress could turn her wedding into war. But the savage fire of Dominic's embrace ignites an extraordinary love... A love that neither violence nor treachery can tear asunder.


Avon, October 1993
Reviewed on 1/16/00

Throughout the Disrupted Lands she is called Amber the Untouched - a chaste, golden-haired beauty fleeing the remarkable love that was prophesised at her birth... and the death that must inevitably follow. He comes to her in darkness, as had been foretold - a wounded warrior with no memory... a promised lover seared by passion's fire, irresistibly drawn to the innocent enchantress who divines the truth with a touch. In a time of war, their romance is legand - until a lost past returns to Duncan and labels Amber his enemy. But he cannot forsake the beautiful woman who healed his body and his heart. He vows to defy to the death the dread forces that have proclaimed their love... forbidden.


Avon, August 1994
Reviewed on 1/16/00

Simon the Loyal has vowed never to love, for love makes a warrior weak. His arranged marriage to a beautiful Norman heiress would be duty and no more. But more than duty stirs his blood when he first sees Ariane. She has known only coldness from men - and a betrayal so deep it all but killed her soul. Wanting no man, trusting no man, speaking only through the sad songs she draws from her harp, Ariane comes to Simon an unwilling bride. They wed to bring peace to the Disrupted Lands, but marriage alone is not enough. simon must teach Ariane passion, she must teach him trust. And both must surrender to the sweet violence of love's enchantment... or die.

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1. "Only His" 2. "Only Mine" 3. "Only You" 4. "Only Love" The Maxwells


"Only His"
Avon, July 1991
Reviewed on 1/16/00
Only His

Beauiful, gently reared Willow Moran left her Civil War-ravaged home with her prized Arabian horses and the dream of joining her brother in the Colorado Rockies - trusting her fate to a rugged gunfighter whose raw masculinity demanded she sacrifice her girlish innocence for a woman's desire. Sinfully handsome, as wild as the uncivilized land he loved, Caleb Black guided his tender charge with revenge in his heart - challenged at every turn by the spirited southern lady who would become a fever in his blood... and awaken within him a possessiveness so fierce, he would have her ay any cost. in a dangerous wilderness, torn by twin passions for vengeance and a woman's touch, Caleb would discover thay only his love could make the woman he wanted ... only his.

"Only Mine"
Avon, February 1992
Reviewed on 1/16/00
Only Mine

The ruggedly handsome bastard son of a viscount and a Cheyenne shaman's daughter, Wolfe Lonetree reluctantly agrees to rescue beautiful, pampered and shockingly innocent Lady Jessica Charteris from an unwanted union with a vile british Lord... if she accompanies him to America to live as a western wife. Naive and unprepared for the hardships that await her, Jessica tricks Wolfe into a marriage in name only. But her terror of the untamed West pales before her fear of the man whose touch makes her tremble - and whose raw masculine virility leaves the flame-haired beauty breathless with a passion she has never before known. In a harsh and magnificent land at the edge of the Rockies, Jessica will find the extraordinary inner strength to triumph. And in the powerful arms of Wolfe Lonetree, she will at long last learn the sensuous joy of becoming the right man's woman.

Only Mine

"Only You"
Avon, July 1992
Reviewed on 1/16/00
Only You

Hardened by poverty and loss, tawny-haired Evelyn Starr Johnson seizes the opportuntiy to win back the treasure map stolen from her murdered foster parents. With nothing left to wager but her innocence, the wily young cardsharp stares cooly across the poker table at her guardian's killer, stacks the deck... and deals the winning hand to a handsome, unsuspecting stranger. Sharpshooter Matt "Reno" Moran is incensed when Evelyn, the conniving beauty he won in a card game, runs off with the rest of his winnings - including a map to a gold mine. Determined to reclaim everything that is rightfully his, Reno must find her and join forces with the thieving female - setting out on a long, dangerous search for treasure with a treacherous teptress he desires with all his soul... but is certain he could never truely love.

Only You

"Only Love"
Avon, July 1995
Reviewed on 1/16/00
Only Love

Cast adrift during the War Between the States, Shannon Conner grew to womanhood in a lonely cabin high in the Colorado Rockies. Though stubborn and courageous, Shannon is ill-prepared to deal with the predatory Culpepper brothers - and the intoxicating ardor of the man who defends her honor, Rafael "Whip" Moran. A loner and a wanderer, a man tied to no place or promise, Whip aids the wary young "widow" who has a walk like honey and a determined grip on her shotgun. But neither the Culpeppers nor grizzlies offers him - a passion that could cost Whip the freedom that is as much a part of him as his soul.

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The Maxwells The "Only" Series
1. "Autumn Love"
2. "Winter Fire "


"Autumn Lover"
Avon Books, April 1996
Reviewed on 5/3/01
Autumn Lover

Returning to her Nevada ranch at the Civil War's end, Elyssa Sutton finds it picked bare by scavangers and coveted by determined men. Yet the proud young woman vows never again to abandon her Ruby Mountain home - though it means enlisting the aid of a dark and dangerous stranger who lives for revenge alone. Hunter Maxwell has suffered from the savagery of outlaws and the faithlessness of a woman. And he will trust no female - nor will he rest until the raiders who destroyed his family pay for their crimes.

"Winter Fire"
Avon Books, November 1996, HC
Reviewed on 5/3/01
Winter Fire

Orphaned at thirteen, a mail order bride at fourteen, widowed at sixteen, Sarah Kennedy learned to depend only on herself. At twenty, she gives all her love to her fifteen-year-old brother, Conner, and to the wounded hawks she heals. Whenever she can, Sarah searches for the fabled lost Spanish treasure. Treasure-hunting in Utah's towering stone canyons was never safe, but lately it has become downright lethal, since the Culpeeper clan settles in the area. Case Maxwell has sworn vengeance on the Culpepper Clan who destroyed all he held dear. When a fight leaves Case near-dead, he finds himself under the tender, unwanted care of Sarah Kennedy. Though she fears men and their lust, something about this controlled, unsmiling gunfighter stirs Sarah deeply. Destiny has brought them together to face chilling risks and violent peril in a wild, magnificent land - as together they discover a passion that is like a fire that burns in the very heart of winter. But only a deeper bond, the intense emotion both Sarah and Case dread, can save them from the dangers of the present and the bitter ghosts of the past. And together, somehow, they must find the courage to face the greatest risk of all: love.

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Ann Maxwell Books
"Timeshadow Rider" Dancer Trilogy "Change"


"Timeshadow Rider"
Pinnacle Books, March 1997
Reviewed on 12/20/00

Despite her beauty and special gift as a healer, Sharia lives as an outcast on Za'arain. Light years away, Kane lives in exile from the planet that also gave him life. Their crime was a youthful, innocent desire that was taboo for two people born as Timeshadow Riders. For Sharia and Kane share the power to see and know things others cannot - a power that makes them strong, feared, and dangerous. Now, as a deadly plague threatens their beloved planet, the Timeshadow Riders will become a beleaguered civilization's final hope. And as passion flares between them like a firestorm, Sharia and Kane must battle the love that could ignite the greatest explosion of force and feeling of all.

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Dancer Trilogy 1. "Fire Dancer"
2. "Dancer's Luck"
3. "Dancer's Illusion"


"Fire Dancer"
Pinnacle Books, July 1995
Reviewed on 12/20/00

She is Rheba, the sole survivor of a blaze that destroyed her planet - harnessing energy with her body and dazzling men with her glittering sensuality. He is Kirtn, the Bre'n warrior sworn to protect the exquisite fire dancer as they embark on a perilous journey to a far-off planet... where there is no danger greater than losing each other - and no rapture stronger than daring to love.


"Dancer's Luck"
Pinnacle Books, December 1995
Reviewed on 12/20/00

A creature of fierce grace and luminescent beauty, Rheba is the last fire dancer of a vanished planet. A rugged warrior of unsurpassed strength, Kirtn is her mentor and guardian, sworn to keep her safe at all costs. Pledged to return a shipful of freed slaves to their widely scattered homes, Rheba and Kirtn begin an odyssey that will sweep them into a forgotten world at the galaxy's edge... where forbidden desire can flame into a love that is destined to be.


"Dancer's illusion"
Pinnacle Books, April 1996
Reviewed on 12/20/00

She survived the inferno that consumed her planet. He is the warrior sworn to protect her. Now Rheba, the beautiful Fire Dancer, and Kitn, her rugged Bre'n mentor, must fulfill their mission to return liberated slaves to their home on the distant planet Yhelle. But beneath Yhelle's civilized surface is a dark secret. For this dazzling paradise of untold pleasures and sensual delights is only an illusion. And as Rheba and Kirtn face a growing evil that can rob them of their hearts and souls, their only hope of survival is to fight for a love that can be the most dangerous trap of all.

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Pinnacle Books, Reprint: August 1996
Reviewed on 9/15/97

Selena Christian had been hiding what she was since her parents death. After being caught and sentenced to death, she was saved by the man who prosecuted her. Mark Curien is a rebel-spy, who knew that Selena was possibly the hope for Paran, the colony of psychics that have been saved from earth. Believing Mark is her enemy, Selena flees to Change. Change is a strange planet where Selena learns how powerful her psychic powers are and also comes to terms with her feelings for Mark. Mark and Selena must save their planet from the bigotry of the humans from earth. And they must grasp a love beyond the heart and mind.

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