Author:Julie Garwood
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| "Heartbreaker" |
| The Clayborne Series |
| "Honor's Splendor" | "Rebellious Desire" | "Gentle Warrior" |
| "Prince Charming" | Regency England Series | "Saving Grace" |
| "The Secret" | "The Prize" | Scottish Duo |


A mother of three, Julie Garwood began writing her first novel when her youngest child entered the first grade. And hasn't stop writing. She lives with her husband and children in Leawood, Kansas.


The Clayborne Series 1. "For the Roses"
2. "The Clayborne Brides"
3. "Come the Spring"


"For the Roses"
Pocket Books, September 1995
Reviewed 6/13/01

No one ever knew what kind of strays, from animals to weary travelers, Mary Rose Clayborne would bring home next. Sometimes her four brothers - runaway slave Adam, ex-pickpockect Douglas, gunslinger Cole, and con man Travis - wondered whether her boarding school education did a lick of good now that their beautiful, impulsive little sister was back in Blue Belle, Montana. Of course, everyone in town knew better than to mess with the Claybornes. the brothers, four of the toughest hombres in the West, had once been a mismatched gang of street urchins. But they had found an abandoned baby girl in a New York City alley, named Mary Rose, headed West, and raised her to be a lady. Through the years the Claybornes had become a family, held together by loyalty and love if not by blood - when they suddenly faced the crisis that could tear them apart. The crisis came to town wth Lord Harrison stanford MacDonald. In his fine clothes, he looked every inch a dude. Mary Rose figured that if she didn't interfere, this handsome Englishman would get himself killed, so she took him home to the Clayborne ranch to ask her brothers to turn him into a cowboy. She didn't suspect MacDonald was a chameleon, not the greenhorn he appeared to be. He'd proved fast with a gun, quick with his fists, and capabl of commanding the Claybornes's respect - if not their trust. He'd also soon be desperately in love with Mary Rose. She returned his affection blissfully and wholeheartedly... until MacDonald revealed a secret that challenged everything she believed about her love, herself, and her life. Now Mary Rose's search for identity and meaning would begin, sending her to England, to the family she lost long ago. Her soul hungered for the freedom of the American West, but she was being drawn away from all she cared about by the need to know her past... and by her uncertain but still potent love for MacDonald. Torn between conflicting loyalties, Mary Rose wasn't sure who she really was, or where she belonged... questions that could only be answered if she listened to the truth within her heart.

"The Clayborne Brides"
Pocket Books, August 1998
Reviewed 6/13/01

"One Pink Rose" -- Headstrong Travis takes a journey that opens his eyes to the splendor of his beloved West - and his heart to Bostonian Emily Finnegan.
"One White Rose" -- Steady, quiet Douglas will do anything to protect a creature in need - and that includes the strong-willed Isabel Grant.
"One Red Rose" -- Thoughtful Adam learns a powerful secret from the irreressible Genevieve Delacroix - that true freedom only comes when you trust your heart.

"Come the Spring"
Pocket Books, October 1998
Reviewed 6/13/01

Cole Clayborne had always walked a dark path and flirted with a life of crime. While his three brothers chose to settle into married life, Cole rebelliously refused to be tied down. Now, an elusive stranger draws him into a shadowy chase that will bring unexpected turns to his uncertain future - and may determine which side of the law the restless Cole favors. A tragic, heartbreaking loss drives U.S. Marshal Daniel Ryan on a quest for vengeance - and leads him to a beautiful young woman, who may be the sole witness to a terrible crime. But the lawman finds that love is the greatest trial of all as he unwittingly draws her into the line of fire.

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Pocket Books, July 2000
Reviewed 6/12/01

In the still shadows of the confessional, the penitent kneels and makes a bone-chilling disclosure: Bless me father, for I will sin ... Slowly, tauntingly, the man discribes his murderous past - how he stalked his victim, worked his way into her life, and then took that life in a violent rage - and his plan to kill again. Only this time, he has raised the stakes in his twisted game, daring authorities to catch him if they can. This time, he has revealed the name of his next intented victim. I'm a heartbreaker. And I do so love a challenge... Agent Nick Buchanan has come face-to-face with society's worst monsters and depraved minds in hsi work for one of the FBI's most elite units. He's about to take a much needed vacation from his high-stress job when he's called on to stop the killer who has mockingly confessed to the deadly crime he's going to commit. Nick can't refuse - for this time the threat has hit close to home. The intended victim is his best friend's sister. Soon he is caught up in an intricate chase with one of the most devious psychopaths of his career - in a case that suddenly, unexpectedly, pulls him like no other. Laurant Madden found a home and a sense od security when she moved into the small Iowa town of Holy Oaks - but her contented life is shaken to the core as a cagey predator closes in on her. Her brother, Tom, insists that she turn to the only man he trusts to help her: Nick Buchanan. As an electrifying attraction grows between Laurant and Nick, so does the danger - and one false move will cost both of them everything that matters.

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"Gentle Warrior"
Pocket Books, October 1985
Reviewed 6/6/01

In feudal England, Elizabeth Montwright barely escaped the massacre the destroyed her family and exiled her from her ancestral castle. Bent on revenge, she rode again through the fortress gates, disguised as a peasant... to seek aid from Geoffrey Berkley, the powerful baron who had routed the murderers. He heard her pleas, resisted her demands, and vowed to seduce his beauitful subject. Yet as Elizabeth fought the warrior's caresses, love flamed for the gallant man who must soon champion her cause... and capture her spiried heart!

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"Rebellious Desire"
Pocket Books, June 1986
Reviewed 6/6/01

Of all the dukes in England, Jered Marcus Benton, the Duke of Bradford, was the wealthiest, most handsome - and most arrogant. And of all London's ladies, he wanted the tender obediance of only one - Caroline Richmond. She was a ravishing beauty from Boston, with a mysterious past and a fiery spirit. Drawn to the powerful duke by his bold passion, Caroline vowed to tame his presumptuous airs and win his lasting love. But Bradford would bend to no woman - until a deadly intrigue drew them slowly together. Now, united against a common enemy, they would surrender to the exquisite desire that smoldered between them... a desire born in danger, but destined to flame into love!

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"Honor's Splendor"
Pocket Books, December 1987
Reviewed 6/6/01

In the feauding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered the cruel whims of her ruthless brother, Baron Louddon. Then, in vengeance for a bitter crime, Baron Duncan of Wexton - the Wolf - unleased his warrios against Louddon's domain. Exquisite Madelyne was the prize he captured... but when he gazed uopn the proud beauty, he pledged to protect her with his life. In his rough-hewn castle, Duncan proved true to his honor. But when at last their noble passion conquered them both, she surrendered with all her soul. Now, for love, Madelyne would stand fast... as bravely as her Lord, the powerful Wolf.

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"Prince Charming"
Pocket Books, June 1994
Reviewed 6/2/01

Taylor Stapleton was a lady, and ladies never lost their composure. Only her beloved grandmother, Lady Esther, knew how devastated she had been when her fiancé eloped with Taylor's own cousin. Now that good lady - one of London's richest and most formidable matriarchs - lay dying. But first she was going to help Taylor pull off the scam of the season. Lucas Ross hated everything about England. He'd come to London for one reason: to take his youngest half-brother home to his ranch in the Montana Territory. He'd been forced to purchase the boy's freedom from Lucas's oldest half- brother, who happened to also be the same vile scoundral who had humiliated Taylor Stapleton. By marrying Taylor, Lucas figured he would gain financial freedom, help a beautiful lady - and give his despised older brother a taste of his own medicine. Talyor consented readily to her grandmother's scheme. Without Lucas as her protector, when Lady Esther died she would become her uncle's ward, and no doubt be forced into a loveless marriage. But Taylor had an urgent reason to go to America - to collect a precious legacy that Lucas Ross needn't know about, yet. As they sail for America, Taylor felt no regrets, only a exhilarating sense of freedom. And, as Lucas spoke of the wild, rugged life in Montana, she began planning a new future. Although their agreement was to go their seperate ways after reaching Boston, Taylor knew that as soon as she found what she was looking for, she was going to join him and find paradise.

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Regency England Series "The Lion's Lady"
"Guardian Angel"
"The Gift"


"The Lion's Lady"
Pocket Books, December 1988
Reviewed 3/26/00
The Lion's Lady

Christina Bennett had taken London society by storm. The ravishing beauty guarded the secret of her mysterious past unitl the night Lyon, Marquis of Lynwood, stole a searching, sensuous kiss. And arrogant nobleman with a pirate's passions, he tasted the wild fire smoldering beneath Christina's cool charm and swore to possess her. But the fiesty and defiant Christina would not be so easily conquered. Mistress of her heart and of her fortune, she resisted Lyon's sensuous carresses. She dared not surrender to his love... for then, she must also forsake her precious secret... and her promised destiny!

"Guardian Angel"
Pocket Books, May 1990
Reviewed 3/26/00
Guardian Angel

The Emerald flew across the seas, its black hull teasing the waves, its sails whipping on the wind. Aboard was the pirate Pagan - despised by the ton, whose riches this scoundrel plundered: beloved by the poor, whose plight was eased by the pirate's gifts. The Marquess of Cainwood vows to hunt down the pirate wretch in revenge for his brother's death. But when Jade, an enchanting vision of rippling red hair and eyes of fire-green, appears at his door to beg desperately for his protection, the Marquess agress to keep her safe from the villians who want her dead. Jade is infuriating, exasperating and gorgeous; Caine is noble, strong-willed and powerful. No woman has ever befuddled him so, nor so deeply roused his desire. But as Jade responds to his knowing caresses with an innocent, wild abandon, they are drawn into a web of treachery that will test the very heart of their love!

"The Gift"
Pocket Books, January 1991
Reviewed 3/26/00
The Gift

A child bride, Sara Winchester had grown into a winsome beauty, joyfully anticipating the day when her husband Nathan, Marquess of St. James, would return to claim her at last. Charmingly innocent, she dissmissed the ancient feud that divided her and Nathan's families... and she was totally unaware of his past exploits as the notorious pirate, Pagan. The man who now stood before her was perplexing, arrogant and powerfully handsome... a warrior-gentleman whose gentle touch aroused her to the wildest, deepest pleasures of love. Nathan had never bared his soul to any woman, but he was soon utterly beguiled and exasperated by Sara's sweet, defiant ways. Aboard his ship, The Seahawk, she was brave, imperious and determined to win his heart completely... yet upon their return to England, her love would be sorely tested as a most desperate conspiracy sundered them from one another. Now, as their future trembled in teh balance, they would discover the true destiny of their passion... for all time!

Pocket Books, July 1993
Reviewed 3/26/00

Orphaned and besieged, Princess Alesandra knew that only hasty marriage to an Englishman could protect her from the turmoil in her own land. To the amusement of her makeshift guardian, Colin, younger brother of the Marquess of Cainewood, the bold raven-haired beauty instantly captivated Lodon society. But when Alesandra was nearly abducted by her unscrupulous countrymen, the fighting instincts that won Colin a knighthood for valor were kindled. Deceiving himself that he wanted only to protect her, Colin swept her into a union meant to be a marriage in name alone... yet Alesandra's tender first kiss and hesitant caress ignited a wildfire in his soul. As the lovely princess dashed headlong into unforseen dangers, Colin would follow, knowing he must claim her as his own forever. Now he would risk life itself before he would lose his sweet tempestous angel.

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"Saving Grace"
Pocket Books, March 1993
Reviewed 3/26/00
Saving Grace

When Lady Johanna learned that she was a widow, she vowed she would never marry again. Only sixteen, already she possessed a strength of will that impressed all who looked past her golden-haired beauty. Yet whe King John demanded that she remarry - and selected a bridegroom for her - it seemed she must acquiesce, until her beloved foster brother suggested she wed his friend, the handsome Scottish warrior Gabriel MacBain. At first Johanna was shy, but as Gabriel tenderly revealed the splendid pleasures they would share, she came to suspect that she was falling in love with her gruff new husband. And it was soon apparent to the entire Highlands clan that their brusque, gallent laird had surrendered his heart completely. But now a desperate royal intrigue threatened to tear her from his side - and to destroy the man whose love meant more to her than she had ever dreamed!

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"The Secret"
Pocket Books, May 1992
Reviewed 3/26/00
The Secret

Judith Hampton was as beautiful as she was proud, as purposeful as she was loyal. The dear Scottish friend of her childhood was about to give birth, and Judith had promised to be at her side. But there was another, private reason for the journey from her bleak English home to the Highlands: to meet the father she had never known, the laird Maclean. Nothing prepared her for the sight of the Scottish barbarian who was to escort her into his land... Iain Maitland, Lard of his clan, a man more powerfully compelling than any she had ever encountered. In a spirited clash of wills and customs, Judith reveled in the melting bliss if iain's searching kisses, his passionate caresses. Perplexed by her sprighly defiance, bemused by her tender nature, Iain felt his soul growing into the light and warmth of her love. Surely nothing would wrench her from the affection and trust of Iain and his clan... not even the truth about her father, a devastating secret that could shatter the boldest alliance, and the most glorious of loves!

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"The Prize"
Pocket Books, August 1991
Reviewed 3/26/00
The Prize

In the resplendence of William the Conqueror's London court, the lovely Saxon captive Nicholaa was forced to choose a husband from the assembled Norman warriors. She choose Royce, a baron warrior whose fierce demeanor could not conceal his chivalrous and tender heart. Resourceful, rebellious and utterly naive, Nicholaa vowed to bend Royce to her will, despite the whirlwind of feelings he aroused in her. Ferocious in battle, seasoned in passion, Royce was surprised by the depth of his emotion whenever he caresses his charming bride. In a climate of utmost treachery, where Saxons still intrigued against their Norman invaders, Royce and Nicholaa revelled in their precious new love... a fervent bond soon to be disrupted by the call of blood, kin and country!

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Scottish Duo "The Bride"
"The Wedding"


"The Bride"
Pocket Books, July 1989
Reviewed 3/26/00
The Bride

By edict of the King, the mighty Scottish Laird Alec Kincaid must take an English Bride. His choice was Jamie, the youngest daughter of Baron Jamison... a fiesty, violet-eyed beauty. Alec ached to touch her, to tame her, to possess her... forever. But Jamie vowed never to surrender to this highland barbarian. He was everything her heart warned against - an arrogant scoundrel whose rough good looks spoke of savage pleasures. And though Kincaid's scorching kisses fired her blood, she brazenly resisted him... until one rapturous moment quelled their clash of wills, and something far more dangerous than desire threatened to conquer her senses.

"The Wedding"
Pocket Books; April 1997
Reviewed 4/16/97
The Wedding

On her way to Scotland to marry the man her father chose, Lady Brenna encounters a band of fierce, blue-painted, savage warriors. When Connor MacAlister, the leader, demands that they are to marry Brenna can't deny that she did indeed propose to Connor, when she was just a child. Unbeknownst to Brenna, their hasty forest wedding marriage is the first act of vengeance against MacNare, his sworn enemy and her supposed be husband. After Connor tells Brenna that she can return to England after she gave him a son, she knows that she's in for the battle of her life to win his love.

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