The Emperor's Dress

The Emperor's clothes looked like a dress,
but it was not.
On the Emperor's dress
there was a dragon.
If I were that dragon,
I would fly up high in the sky.

I would also like to be the Bat that
was on the dress too.
Do you know what I would do?
I would go outside
in the daytime
and at night.

      * * * *






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Amane N.

Aurelia J.

Cece M.

Dashann H.

Eli K.


Grace N.


Jacqueline K.

Johnathan M.

Keykey C.


Maggie MG.

Margaret M.

Mariah L.

Megan DA.

Nilu T.



Robert P.

Tiara S.


Vivian Y.


Yohan M.

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