The Golden Stamp

Fiery eyes
long golden tail
stamp a name with this dragon
so the letter is ok to mail.

      * * * *

Pen of Deer

There is an invisible man on the empty mountain
but I hear the man's voice.
I see his shadow entering a deep forest.
There is green moss where his shadow is.

     * * * *

Miao Mountains

There is a fly on the mountain.
It got eaten by a bird.
Then the bird got eaten by a fox.
Then a farmer killed the fox.

     * * * *






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Amane N.

Aurelia J.

Cece M.

Dashann H.

Dione J.


Grace N.


Jacqueline K.

Johnathan M.

Keykey C.


Maggie MG.

Margaret M.

Mariah L.

Megan DA.

Nilu T.



Robert P.

Tiara S.


Vivian Y.


Yohan M.

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