The God
Gold and bold, one ruby on head,
very rare pearls that are a sign of the emperor.
A temple on head, look and pray for I may see.
Hands that look like you're meditating. The god.
The god of some. Who am I?
* * * *
How I Met Buddha
I went in the futon shop. I liked
all the futons, but most of all
I liked the Buddha.
Why, you ask, is Buddha at
the futon shop?
The man behind the counter
said, "This is a money
Buddha, it helps keep the shop from
going out of business. If it breaks
the shop will close, but if it
doesn't the shop won't close.
Now I thought to myself,
I want a homework Buddha.
* * * *
The Lonely Mountain
The lonely mountain with no one
but can hear someone's voice.
A reflecting shadow enter the foret,
again shines green moss upon a log.
* * * *
Morning on the Miao Mountains
Waterfalls and bird swishing and singing.
Bird calling and flying away.
Animals running around.
Deer running birds calling.
People marching with squeaky shoes.
Waterfalls, mountain lions leaping.
Birds chirping to squirrels.
Mountain lions hear a harp.
A spectacular forest with animals
playing around. People walking the forest.
Pretty music playing and animals
dancing. Chipmunks talking.
Squeaky shoes. Deer hopping.
Waterfalls and fish splashing.
* * * *