The Gold Seal

I am gold and shiny
I have your name on me
I belonged to the empress
I have a gold dragon on me
What am I?

     * * * *

Weird Mountain

The deer enclosure
has an empty mountain with no men,
but you can hear man's voice with lots of sound
and something reflects a shadow as you enter
the deep green forest.
And again the shadow shines upon the green moss
on the mountain.

      * * * *

Morning in Miao Mountains

The birds sing peacefully
as the lion comes up the mountain and
the birds run singing "you can't catch me,"
and then getting mad
the lion keeps leaping for the birds
and roaring.
Finally the lions gives up,
the birds start dancing around for joy,
then the lion notices and comes pouncing back
but the birds get away
so the lion has rabbit instead.

     * * * *

I Am

I was as lazy as a cat.
Now I am as energetic as a horse.
People see me as a tiny mouse.
Really I am a brave lion.
I am a sly panther.
I will be as big as a killer whale.





Go to next poem or return to index or see one of the poems by:


Amane N.

Aurelia J.

Cece M.

Dashann H.

Dione J.



Eli K.

Grace N.


Jacqueline K.

Johnathan M.


Keykey C.

Maggie MG.

Margaret M.

Megan DA.

Nilu T.



Robert P.

Tiara S.


Vivian Y.


Yohan M.

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