The Vortex Collection

When I was in my last two years at Uvic a group of friends and I called ourelves "The Vortex Collective" and frequently met between classes to discuss literature, exchange poetry, and talk abot Star Trek.

Click on the following links to see poems inspired by this group!

The following poem is a poorly rhymed parody of "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Not a single character goes unbashed!

If Star Trek Were Real

One year I had several pet goldfish who died in bizarre manners - two committed suicide - jumped out of the tank and went SPLAT! The following poem is dedicated to them.

To All The Goldfish I Have Killed (Or Driven To Suicide)

On one stressful day at UVic I observed the ducks swimming in the fountain and got jealous. The following poem resulted.

My Life As A Duck (Or Just Ducky)

This poem is inspired by Star Trek's Q - who was definitely the coolest character on the show until Voyager wrecked him. It is an excersise in rhymed chaos and a parody of the English language.

If I Were A Q

More poems inspired by Q. This series parodies the Canadian poet B.P. Nichol.

Songs 4 A Q

Here's my signature poem. It pays tribute to two great literary figures - Shakespeare and Dr. Seuss.

Green Eggs And Hamlet

Here's a little doodle I did - a Trek parody to close "The Vortex Collection"

B-hive Trek: The Next Generation

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