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O threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise !
One thing at least is certain - this life flies...
One thing is certain and the rest are lies;
The flower that once has bloomed for ever dies...
Omar Al-Kayyam
     Don't loose yourself... It's your own home, It's the best place to start with ... You are a human being, you deserve to feel as a human and you deserve to live as a human before the fly of this life.
Civilization took our humanity from us!! it made us machines, a full time strugglers for more income. We - most of the time - forget that we are different than animals because we have a brain can feel Music, can appreciate Art, and can enjoy reading.. A brain can store experiences of the past to create a better future...
Seek the beauty in your hart, as Emerson one day said " Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carrying it with us or we find it not "...

Be yourself

     Return to nature, see flowers and butterflies of spring, feel the rain drops and rainbow of winter.. get time for contemplation, what's your life if you don't have time to see the trees around you or to hear the birds singing in the wide sky... what's your life if you don't smell a rose...
Deal with enemies as expected friends, and with friends as brothers or sisters, trust people, but be careful and never search for evil...
Deal with others like you want the others to deal with you.. when you put yourself in the position of the person you are dealing with, you can find an excuse to his way of dealing, and you can tell in which way you have to help him by convincing him in your point of view.
Think of the creation of the wide space, think of the reason of being created, is it for nothing, or you have a message to do ??  are you going to end here or you are in a long journey and " life is a progress and not a station " as Emerson said, and you will find and agree with Goethe  that " A useless life is an early death..."

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