What’s required on our part ?

There is once again a bare minimum of knowledge and responsibility required for your successful Bash in the ‘Burgh. I’ll repeat for those who have not yet heard or had difficulties in the past.

Telephone operation and/or the yellow pages while under the influence of alcohol and/or in the surroundings of others heavily intoxicated

Memory capabilities of the name/location of your accommodations

Use of the English language is strongly suggested

A general understanding and adherence to the Rules as specified in this Plan.

Here’s the fine print. Please give some consideration to all establishments, people, and organizations that I am affiliated with. For instance, when moving the Arby’s Big Boy for no legitimate purpose, please do not attempt to bring it back to my house, as then I am associated with this less than heroic action. Feel free to move it to the Galleria lawn and pay $100 for a police escort back to the house. (if possible go back to the hotel). Other requirements include having fun.


Yeah, you gotta have some rules. First, you can leave Sean (even if he’s with Squirt, but then you get a belligerent awakening). Nonetheless, he has agreed that no one, including himself, is responsible for his whereabouts after the earlier to occur of 2 p.m. or 12 drinks. Lance, however, has requested the leash we tried to secure Motts with last year. Free the Motts - tame the Fancy Pants Lance and. . . his Disco Dance Stance. We require at least one Beast showing and no "go home earlys, "skip the after hours party", and certainly no "I have an idea, let’s skip the bar crawl and cuddle". If I may quote, " bad Neil. no cookie". I would recommend staying away from ‘Rock and Bowl’ along with the shenanigans that follow; but as long as it stays at the Galleria, it’s your choice. Speedo - no speedo; and bring Cubans.


(a less than casual message from last years in-house shuttle service)

Georgian and I will make every possible attempt to accommodate your flight schedule. However, some mutual consideration must also be given. First, try to coordinate with others on your timing. This can be difficult, I know, but see what you can do. Second, do not schedule a flight during or around one of the planned events. These are bad arrival times : Thurs after 4, any time Friday or Saturday. Friday flights may be OK if you do not plan on attending the golf outing and you convince someone who is not playing Golf to come pick you up (sorry Warrior, no red -eye flight warm up for you) . Finally, if you get bumped for a free ticket, congratulations on your new free ticket and your not so free cab ride. Of course, if we can pick you up, we certainly will. If we can’t, a Cab ride is about $30, or there is a shuttle to downtown for $7.


Can my ooggie-boogie-sweety-pie-muffin-head-love-dunkin come too?

I don’t know if this would be wise for you, Lance - Someone will get hurt baby, probably you. We like Barb, but is Clif still on probation for past attendees? In reality, your guests are surely welcome. Here’s reality : no likelihood of tears, argument, or otherwise major party faux pas. This is a party with a group called the "Happy Bunch". No bummers please. Otherwise, just let me know!

If You Host it... They Will Come !
Outline of Information
Where’s everybody staying ?
(Section 1)
Where’s everybody staying (Section II)
What’s this about a Bus?
What’s required on our part ?
What are we going to do when we get there?
Suggested Hotel Acommodations