You know if you're Asian when... (Page 2)
You know if you're Asian when...

You still remember wearing shirts w/the little alligators on them

You have incense in your house

You like to go fishing

You e-mailed me some of these cool jokes Thanks David (

You watch those Ancient Asian Tapes with your GrandParents

You have those little ketchup bags from McDonalds in your Fridge

You have a statue or a Asian God somewhere sitting in your house
artemis10 (

While you are eating rice, little peices of it stick on your clothing.
Trevor (

While eating rice you always drop little peices of rice on the table and your parents or grandparents tell you to eat it up

Desert comes you find in your bowl some kind of red soup with beans in them

The only 2 sports you play are, Handball, and Chinese Handball

The only place you eat with your friends is Mcdonalds

You love to eat with your family at the resturant known as..... you guessed it MCDONALDS!

Your last name is one of the following, Lee, Leung, Lam, Chan, Chen, Wong, or Park

You have one of those cool pictures of birds with Asian writing or something like that
artemis10 (

You've had one of those piggy banks shaped like a red pig

You go to your grandmothers house she always has to offer you watered down apple juice or left overs from yesterdays dinner

If you drive a car and inside you have a Oriental stringy ornament

If you're a girl and you are a guru at Bust A Move

When the only clothes you where are those with a name brand

Your remote control has some kind of plastic covering
BaByKiSs (

You support Michael Chang and Michelle Kwan more than their non-Asian competitors.
MuGeN (

Somehow teachers expect you to be smart
MuGeN (

Your family owns some kind of hi-fi system with a karaoke machine
MuGeN (

Your family owns an Asian brand of telephone. (Panasonic, Sony)
MuGeN (

You or a relative owns a slammed Honda or Acura with a fat exhaust pipe
MuGeN (

Your parents still have the same car as they had 15 years ago
MuGeN (

Your parents have fruit trees
MuGeN (

You feel attracted only to Asian girls, (or guys) not those of another race
MuGeN (

Your Parents talk about u behind your back in some asian language so u dont undstand what you're saying...
Tasha (

On New Years People shout out to u Gong Hee Fat Choy
Tasha (

Your relatives/friends try to give u stuff but your parents refuse for u to take it...
Tasha (

You have reddish brown highlights in your hair to look cool
Tasha (

Your friends come over to sing a little Kareoke when they realize all your Laserdisks are in Korean...
Tasha (

On occasion your mother packs fish and rice in your lunch
Tasha (

The kids at school tease u about the fish and rice in your lunch
Tasha (

You try to be either white, or black, mainly black
Tasha (

Swear in your language to some white friends, and say it was a compliment
Tasha (

Your fridge is filled with things such as, roosters cock, pig's tail, rabbits nails, and some moldy red stuff your non-asian friends stare at
Tasha (

Your mom shops only at outlet stores
Tasha (

(If you're a girl)and u date and marry men at least 10 years older than you
Tasha (

Your whole meal consumtion is made of MSG
Tasha (

Your parents embarass u (they are actually trying to be nice)by singing Kareoke, and offering some wired food to your non-asian friends
Tasha (

You never buy clothes marked..."Made in Indonesia", "Made In China" or "Made in Korea"
Tasha (

You find this page offensive

You are jealous of the white males taking away our Asian Women
(For men, maybe for some women)

Your Grandparents OR your Parents Never take of the plastic over New Chairs and Sofa Beds

You go out with friends, there's at least a big group of ten which are your friends
ChanHoNam(no e-mail given)

Your parents especially your mum keeps all kinds of junk in the house, as they always say could come in handy oneday
ChanHoNam(no e-mail given)

You have a friend over your house and then when he/she leaves your parents or family member would make a comment about them
SuGaR DaDDy(

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