When God created Eve in the garden, He created beauty, style, grace, a real woman. When God created EVE, Empowering Virtue and Excellence newsletter, He created beauty, style and grace for real women. As a little girl, raised in a small, wooden, two bedroom home in the country, I never thought I would be sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and inspiring the world. What started out as a life filled with hurt, abuse, abandonment and pain, turned into a life totally changed by the love of God. I'm not the same little girl who grew up in that small shack, I'm delivered from my past, and now I live my life helping others to receive the love of God. My writing career started in 1996, when I wrote a poem for a friend's bridal shower because I didn't have the money to buy her a more expensive gift. I had never written a poem before, but I was so excited about it. When I read the poem at the shower, there was not one dry eye in the room. I was amazed at the attention drawn to my new found gift. I started writing more in 1997 and the rest is history. Now my life is an open book and I allow people the chance to see for themselves, through my writings, how God can change their hearts, set captives free and love beyond any faults. EVE: Empowering Virtue & Excellence Newsletter started in 1999, as a newsletter written for friends and family. Now EVE is being read all over the United States, Europe and Japan. EVE has been heard by listeners on a national gospel radio network, reaching many cities throughout the U. S. EVE's mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through articles, poetry and testimonies. We pray that you will be empowered by what you read, and make a decision that will change your life forever! EVE Staff
EVE's Mission is to build up women all over the world. We are overcomers and EVE wants to make sure we stay that way! John 16:33 (KJV) says, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. "Empowere Virtue and Excellence in someone today, share EVE"