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Guestbook by GuestWorld

Have you ever received something in the mail that brightened your day, or maybe a phone call that was right on time? I have, and I'm so amazed at the timing and thoughtfulness of God, that He would inspire someone to reach out and touch my heart in a special way.

I received a card this year that not only took my breath away, but made me feel special as a person. It was a card that simply read, "Hope, Life, Joy. "

When I choose a card, I am very specific about the words. As a child, I would find just about any card with the words Mom or love on it, not really taking the time to express my true feelings on that special occasion.

In my creativity, I made cards out of construction paper and glue, with the simply words, "I love you!" Cards that only a mother would appreciate. I was young back then, but as I got older, I realized the importance of expressing my true feelings to the ones I love.

I made up for it as an adult, making sure I wrote my family members, especially my mother, calling as often as I could. She was thrilled to receive my phone calls, especially on how to cook, that always made her smile.

Today, you can find all types of cards expressing beautiful poetry and words, that would brighten annoys day, for any occasion.

My point: Words are everything when it comes to sending someone a card, whether you're saying hello, or I'm thinking of you. The card I received in the mail made me feel so special! I received many cards this year, but this card was different from any other card I've received in a long time.

The inside of the card read, "You are an amazing human being whose life is an example and inspiration to everyone around you...After all, wonderful people like you are what make this world such a bright and beautiful place!"

My friend didn't know how I was feeling that day. She had no idea that I was discouraged, sad and missing my husband (who was deployed to Kosovo) and experienced feelings of loneliness.

Can you imagine what a few words can do to someone you haven't talked to in a while. Why imagine it, go ahead and send that special friend or neighbor a card, or just call them. The right words can change a person's life, it did for me. Thank you Tracie, I love you girl!

Card was written by Molly Wigand & dedicated to her mother & sister

God bless you all,
Monica Ware, Publisher & Owner of EVE