By Amy Blount Amy's freshly picked petals of devotion, bringing you hope and encouragement through the Word of God. The Garden of Eden Effect When God created The Garden of Eden, He made it beautiful. It was perfection, God-style. He placed everything Adam would need in it to sustain life and to enjoy. God, our Creator, topped it all off with one last thing, creating Eve, Adams wife and help mate. Do you ever think about the Garden? Have you ever wondered if it's possible to experience that kind of atmosphere, even though we live in such a chaotic world? Well you can! You may not physically see beauty when you look around your house, or outside in your yard, but what about the atmosphere surrounding you? That, we can change! When your relationship to God is right, and your fellowship with Him is open, you can create the, "Garden of Eden Effect." Women, we have some built in qualities that God has placed in us specifically, and He wants to be the one using them. Whether you know this or not, ladies, you are the primary tone setters for your dwelling. If you are married, think about this: the backbone is a very essential part of our body. It has to be strong, yet flexible. Have you ever had a weak or stiff back? Both cause much discomfort, and sometimes immobility. Help-mates, you are the backbone for your husbands, so do
whatever it takes to hold that body up, which means:
If you're single, what an awesome opportunity for you. All you have to do is please God. This in turn, will affect your entire atmosphere, at work, at school, or wherever. You have the creative ability to bring, "Eden," where you are. Know this, it's going to take work. Even Adam and Eve were responsible for the upkeep of the garden, so likewise we must maintain beauty and peace where we live. What am I saying here? God created all things for His, and our enjoyment. When we choose to obey Him and do things according to the way God has instructed, then we can experience His goodness, and bring the, "Garden of Eden Effect," to life. A message from Amy: "I'm delighted, honored even, to be a part of such a fresh and Holy Ghost Inspired newsletter. Since In The Garden is a new page added to EVE, I felt it was necessary to introduce this section to you, the reader. It's not a complete boxed up concept, instead, it's perspectives of truth and real experiences. An insightful journey, if you will, through life with the One True God. As you read this and upcoming articles, pray for understanding and wisdom. May God enrich your life, I pray, Amen." "Greater Works"