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Which path are you on these days? A path to success, a path leading to trouble, or a path filled with confusion? In which direction are you going? What are you doing, in order to take the right path, and how do you know which path to take? I know I've asked you a lot of questions, but what are your answers? Take a few minutes and think about it!

A good way to find out what path you're on, is to look at your daily lifestyle. If you're doing nothing all day, chances are your future is headed in the same direction. Here's a question to think about, What do you like to do that you're not doing?

In the past, I got up in the morning, said a quick prayer and started my day. Usually, my day would consist of laundry, children and church activities. I did many things, but not in the right order. There was still something missing in my life. I was wandering aimlessly, day to day, in search for direction. I received guidance from family and friends, but what I needed was to hear from God.

I did what was required of me, as a wife and mother, ignoring the heartfelt cry of my spirit, the very thing that moved me to compassion. What was I afraid of? Honestly,

I was afraid of failure. I didn't want to try something and fail. I've heard this acronym for fear: False Evidence Appearing Real. I allowed fear (false suggestions) to set up camp in my heart, taking years to release it. I knew God had plans for my life, I just needed to find out what those plans were.

I discovered the very pain I experienced, and overcame in my life, helped and inspired others. I've met women who heard, or read my testimony and walked away believing God for their situations. My writings encourage people and that's encouraging to me.

I found it! Finally, I found the right path for me, but I had to learn to be diligent in doing the right things. By reading, praying, studying the word and most importantly, spending time with God, I learned to prioritize and organize my life. By trusting God and knowing His word, I know I'm on the right path.

In Psalm 16, (please read the whole psalm) David knew who God was to him, and he knew the directions to take for help, guidance and so on. God made known to David, the path of life. (Ps. 16:11) The important part of this scripture is that God made his path known in His presence. By spending time with God, David knew which direction to take for his life. When we spend time seeking God, He lets us know the who, what, when, where and why for our lives. Once, in my quiet time with God, I heard the word lazy. That's something you don't want to hear, but it helped me face areas in my life where I was slacking in. The only reason we're not headed down the right path is because of the choices we make on a daily basis.

Decide today, that you want to make a difference where ever you are. Seek God for direction. If you don't know the plans God has for you, ask Him! If you're running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, or there's too much noise around you, SIT DOWN and take a break from the madness. Find a corner, be still and hear from God.

We make our way successful through the word of God. Joshua 1:8 says, "Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (NIV) Knowing what God says about your life keeps you on the right path. You can never go wrong trusting in the word of God.

I don't know how you answered these questions, but examine yourself and the path you're on. If your friends are bringing you grief, take another path. Whatever it is, take a different route until you find the right path, and please don't give up your search! Monica Ware, Publisher & Owner of EVE