What's New??

Waiting for what's new with antici........pation

04/10/06 -- I deleted my "new" guestbook because some frakker has spent the last week filling my guestbook with spam links full of pornographic words over and over. I even changed my settings to require approval and the frakker did it again. So then I took out the comment box and limited the guestbook to name and email. And the frakker still tried to submit another 45 entries. I've had enough and since yahoo/geocities does not make it easy to delete guestbook entries, I figured I'd just delete the whole damn thing. Maybe I'll reinstate it some day. Maybe I won't.

06/29/06 -- I actually put in a new journal entry and changed the file name since that portion of the archive is no longer 2003-2004....

11/2/04 -- Almost finished turning my Journal into a framed set of pages. I just have to go through all the entries and fix the archive links so the pages open right...nothing major, just time consuming.
Been working on a general copyright and contact page that every page can link to to save space on each page.

10/29/04 -- Yup, it's only been four months but I did yet another journal entry. Wow. *giggles* One of these days, I might even go ahead and make all the nifty changes to the site that I'd like to make but I don't want to get ahead of myself. LOL

06/21/04 -- Don't die of the shock but I finally put in a journal entry...

08/24/03 -- Added some new journal entries, a slightly less-than-new entry, and 3 humorous entries from July and August of 2001.

11/16/02 -- Updated my schedule through Christmas.

11/01/02 -- Took the Which Sunset Are You? quiz...

9/12/02 -- Updated my schedule for the two weeks of work that I know about.
Within the last few days, I've added a few journal entries as well.

7/07/02 -- Finally unhid my online journal and added a disclaimer because I've wanted to post stuff so much lately and have been unable to.

6/17/02 -- Added the "What Do You Want Out of Life" quiz. More impressively, I totally changed the graphic layout of my journal archive page! It was time for a change!!

6/11/02 -- Added the "How Jedi are you?" quiz to my quiz page.

5/30/02 -- It only took all night, but I made major changes to my page of personality quizzes! It still needs some work, but the main parts are there, pictures (except that damn rubber ducky quiz) are showing, links are linking...and it's MUCH better than the old version.

4/17/02 -- After a rush of journal entries...both old ones from my paper journal that I've typed up and a bunch of new ones,... to borrow an expression, I suddenly hit a wall this last week. I've been so tired that I just haven't had the energy to type up anything. And if the exhaustion weren't enough to do me in, my toothache seems to have spread to my skull, so my head has too much stuff going on with it physically to be able to use it mentally. However, I'm happy to say, that I finally put up half an entry yesterday and today, I've started setting up my page of personality quizzes.

3/18/02 -- I've finally put back my online journal and even added some brand new entries. I've still got quite a few entries to put into HTML format and put up, but until then, there's at least something there. Plus, as you can see, I've gotten rid of the dizzying background on this what's new page, as well as change the font size to make it easier to see.

2/20/02 -- I've spent the last few days updating my pages of links. In fact, I've been teaching myself frames! But more importantly, I update my bio page's graphics and it's so pretty now!

2/8/02 -- I've temporarily suspending the revamping of my journal (I'm not even gonna bother putting in the link since I've temporarily changed the file name of the archive) and have fixed the first intro page, the secondary intro page, the table of contents page, and the bio page.
I'm also working on the links pages, deleted some of the outdated and useless links, and renamed the page of GLBT links.

1/14/02 -- I'm in the middle of a MAJOR OVERHAUL of this site...so far, I've been focusing on my journal. I've mainly been updating the HTML codes embedded in each page, but I'm also slowly adding some journal entries. Stay tuned for more!!

8/30/00 -- fixed up overall intro page and the intro to my personal pages.

7/12/99 -- typed up journal entry following a strange and disappointing date last night: "Safety in Cynicism?"

7/7/99 -- typed up new journal entry from Saturday: "Romantic Spedometer (or Why I'm Repressed)"

7/6/99 -- created "What's New" page

7/1/99 (or around then) -- updated "Read Me" page

Rainbow swirl

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Rainbow swirl

Copyright & Contact Info
Revised: Tuesday, November 2, 2004
URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/ruggerwoman/whatsnew.html