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Voyager Fanfic

X-Men Fanfic

Kat's Page




Big companies own Voyager, Trek, X-Men, and other sundry.

I do not.

I'm okay with this.






Star Trek: Voyager

Some people collect rocks or stamps or lethal weapons. I write fanfic. Yet I am considered odd. Herein, all my Voyager fic to date--lots o'het, some slash, much P/T, and droplets of other stuff. Sometiems I even write plot around my smut. Go figure.




The Manipulation Stories

These three are the first stories I ever wrote, so don't expect too much. Some angst, romance, all the gooey stuff. You are warned! Thanks to Jam, who taught me how to do this stuff right and betaed the first one, and to SY and Christian, who betaed the third one. My gratitude always.


 The Dusk Universe

This was a challenge from Queco to rewrite my original Dusk at Sandrine's into a J/P. So I did, and here's the results. Thanks to Tara, Queco, Sorcha, and Sara, who betaed amongst these for me. My gratitude.


 Seven Days Universe

The story that taught me the most about writing fanfic...and the fourth fanfic I finished, though the second I started. A special dedication to Annette Welsh-Shinya, whose story "Coming of Age" inspired me to try a Tom in command story (may she one day finish it!). Absolute Zero is still in progress (and being worked on, promise!).


 The One Word Universe

My own personal Waterloo. It was supposed to be one short story. Twelve prequels, three authors, and a ten part story later, here it is, almost complete and an absolute monster. The Pre-One Word stories (POW) were a gift to my betas, who wanted to see how this relationship developed and bribed with chocolate so I'd cave (I'm so easy, it's sad). Three wonderful authors took up the challenge to help me put together the pre-One Word stories--Kat Hughes, primary co-writer and co-founder of the POWs, Diane Bellomo, and Sandra.


 Points of View

This was an accident. I swear. Anyway, post-Drive musings by the crew on the marriage of Paris and Torres. If you haven't seen the episode--well, you didn't miss much. Authors; jenn, Seema, and Amiroq, against better judgement. Slash, het, slash-and-het, and angst galore, not to mention a fetish for heeled shoes.


 Random Stories and Meanderings

These are the bits of unattached stories that sit about on my hard drive and I post on impulse. Or...when I get inspired to write something shorter than a couple of hundred pages.